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a mite whimsical in the brainpan

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This deserves the fuckery icon. [26 Aug 2009|03:20pm]
Okay, this is beyond ridiculous and into malicious now.

So waywardradish on LJ runs a blog on Wordpress about holding therapy or attachment therapy, which is a little-known form of therapy that is not validated by any scientific studies or psychologists, and is in fact considered child abuse by survivors. The blog tells survivor stories, informs people about holding therapy, and presents facts (such as the death rate, which is appalling).

Recently, Wordpress decided that this was... I don't know, an unacceptable blog for some reason, and they suspended and then deleted it.

Now, they've brought it back, but they are taunting waywardradish about it.

We are beyond uncool now. We are into fuckery of the highest order. These people are denying abuse survivors their voice.

Please email Wordpress and express your indignation at this fuckery. Waywardradish has asked that you use the utmost courtsey in doing so. For the lazy (like myself), Copperbadge has a good copypasta letter here. Don't let them get away with this, guys.
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[ viewing | August 26th, 2009 ]
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