a mite whimsical in the brainpan's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
a mite whimsical in the brainpan

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[20 Apr 2009|06:14pm]
[ music | Something Borrowed, Something Blue--Ben Lee ]

I owe you eight poems, due to epic fail on my part. I'm too tired to seek out new poets, so instead I'm just going to spam you with some of my favorites. Here you go.

April 13th: For Cathy, On Taking the Oath, by Ellis Graveworthy* )

April 14th: Puck's Epilogue, William Shakespeare )

April 15th: Boy Shooting at a Statue, Billy Collins )

April 16th: The Introduction, Billy Collins )

April 17th: See No Evil, Billy Collins )

April 18th: Genius, by ??? )

April 19th: Love the Color of Trout, Paul Zarzyski )

Today's poems coming later (yes, poems, there were two and I just couldn't pick between them), because I want to talk about them a bit.

*Ellis Graveworthy is the penname of the inestimable Sam Starbuck.

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