a mite whimsical in the brainpan's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
a mite whimsical in the brainpan

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two things [05 Jan 2009|01:56pm]
1) OMG Abigail said "such shenanigans!" in total seriousness. When you add that to Paul Giametti and Laura Linney and Stephen Dillane, and the utter shiptasticness, and the squee-inducing beginning of ep. 4 and end of ep. 3... yeah, this is officially my favorite miniseries ever. Sorry, Jane Eyre. Close second.

2) OMG DOCTOR WHO FANDOM. SHUT UP. We haven't even seen the kid in action yet and you're already hating? SHUT. UP. Gah. SHUT UP.

At least random_c on ihasatardis gets it. )

*curls up in SJA fandom and sulks*
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