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a mite whimsical in the brainpan

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Fic: The Sound of Silence [31 Mar 2008|02:52pm]
[ music | Steal My Sunshine--Len ]

Title: The Sound of Silence
Fandom: The Sarah Jane Adventures
Spoilers: Explicit ones for Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane? and oblique ones for The Lost Boy, Eye of the Gorgon, and Invasion of the Bane.
Rating: PG
Summary: Some nightmares, a conversation, and a couple of hooligans.
Notes: Written for doyle_sb4 for the Sarah Jane Adventures ficathon (hi, doyle! I'm not stalking you, I swear), who wanted either a followup to Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane or Clyde and Luke in trouble. I aims to please. Enjoy! Beta'd by imsanehonest, title only a little nicked.

The Sound of Silence )

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