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a mite whimsical in the brainpan

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The Sarah Jane Adventures [12 Feb 2008|04:24pm]
I like these way too much. Sarah Jane is made of serious kinds of awesome, and the kids are so cool! I sympathize with Maria a lot, Luke is so goddamn cute and oh, Clyde, never ever change, you are so awesometastic.
I can't wait until Sarah Jane shows up on series four of Doctor Who. I hope the kids come with. Luke and the Doctor would have such a talk, and Maria and Clyde could kick a lot of ass without anyone's help.
...actually, Luke, Clyde, Maria and Sarah Jane could defend the earth about six times better than Torchwood could. Hell, they defeated the Slitheen with more efficiency than the Doctor did.
*snuggles them all and watches the next episode*
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