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a mite whimsical in the brainpan ([info]tigerkat24) wrote,
@ 2010-06-02 00:06:00

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Okay, this time I had a good excuse.
And I will strive not to get behind again.

Day 14 - Favorite male character
GUYS. Stop making me play favorites. It never ends well.
BSG: Tie between Adama pere and Helo.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: GILES. <3333333 Giles.
Castle: Actually it's probably Demming. *shifty eyes*
Doctor Who: Far and away the Doctor. All of them. With Six and One leading the pack.
Dresden Files: Morgan. I love him more than Harry and Bob both. Sorry, guys.
Firefly: WASH. <333333 Wash. Serenity didn't happen.
Leverage: Hardison.
Lie to Me: Eli Loker. I seem to find his jerkishness adorable.
MASH: Alan Alda Radar. Radar's adorable.
Pushing Daisies: Probably Emerson. He's funnier and less morose than Ned.
Sarah Jane Adventures: If you frequent my journal, you know by now that I'm a pervy Luke fancier.
Stargate: DANIEL. I go for the geeky guys, clearly.
Xena: Cupid. What can I say, I'm a sucker for itty-bitty baby Karl Urban.
X-files: FROHIKE. Well, actually, Byers, but I just love shouting "FROHIKE" at unexpected moments.
West Wing: Either Toby or President Bartlett. It's a close call.
White Collar: Peter. Neil may be hot, but Peter has my heart.

Day 15 - Favorite female character
BSG: Laura Roslin. No contest. Everyone please act surprised for a moment.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Joyce Summers, with Dru a close second.
Castle: Alexis Castle. She reminds me of me. I probably flatter myself, though.
Doctor Who: Sarah Jane Smith. I want to BE her.
Dresden Files: Murphy. Duh.
Firefly: Kaylee in terms of who I'd like to hang with, River in terms of most-interesting.
Leverage: Parker. She's awesome, and it's really nice to see someone with Asperger's properly portrayed.
Lie to Me: Emily Lightman. Sensing a "daughters" theme?
MASH: MARGARET HOULIHAN FUCK YEAH. I mean, I realize she's basically the only recurring female character, but she is also badass as all-get-out and everyone should just bow to her awesome. Once she realizes how badass she is and dumps Frank, I expect to be much happier with the show. Seriously, Margaret, DUMP FRANK.
Middleman: Wendy. Though this one's a tough call.
Pushing Daisies: Probably Olive, but it's a narrow squeak and mostly because she is Kristen Chenoweth.
Sarah Jane Adventures: Once again, Sarah Jane Smith.
Stargate: Dr. Janet Fraiser.
Xena: Gabrielle.
X-files: SCULLY FUCK YEAH. Ahem.
West Wing: CJ FUCK YEAH. Ahem.
White Collar: Elizabeth Burke is made of win. You know this to be true.

Day 16 - Your guilty pleasure show
Glee. I hate the characters (except Sue) and I hate the plots, but god, those musical numbers keep sucking me back in.

Day 17 - Favorite mini series
JOHN ADAMS. Okay, this was a given because I'm a major John Adams fangirl, but it's also well-acted and well-directed and I just. I love it so much.

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