tig is tiggeriffic

November 18th, 2011


coloured hair pout

Name Tiger-Lily Oswauld-Spinks

Location UK.

Bio 19 years. Hufflepuff. Ambassador of the Sparkle.


Other Peoples

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November 18th, 2011

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Hey Sweetie! How are you? It seems all my shifts at work are on days you have off or are just finishing so we don't cross paths. SADFACE!!

However, I noticed you have Friday off on the charts and decided we should do lunch. I have a friend I'd like you to meet. He's name is Jonathon Chambers and was on the Ravenclaw Team with my cousin. And no, no, no... don't think I am playing match-maker again. I just want you to meet him. He's a nice guy. Plays professionally for Puddlemere with Oliver but wasn't at the party.

[Private to Self]
Hope the tea leaves were right this morning. I usually try to ignore my Divination because it's so unfixed. But I think Sophie and Jonathon will hit it off. Fingers crossed I wasn't too obvious in setting them up. Hee, love playing match maker.
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