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Theodore Nott ([info]tiedinanott) wrote,
@ 2008-02-02 06:40:00

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October 24, 1997, morning


Can anyone perhaps enlighten me as to why we have to waste space by allowing Hufflepuffs to live? I need some sort of logical explanation, perhaps one that could leave me resigned to a fact I can do nothing about, if I wish to get through my evening without doing something I might regret in the near future.

[Private to self]

I have the complete misfortune of being paired with one Susan Bones for Astronomy. She perhaps defines a stereotypical Hufflepuff, and it's completely disgusting. Though shockingly, she has the backbone to imply to the entire student population that having me as a partner might RUIN Astronomy for her. Bones, pudding, no one cares.
I doubt I can resist hitting her with something if she even dares counter me during this meeting. Merlin, I don't think I can even stomach having her within five feet of myself for more than a few seconds.

To the brilliant mind that assigned me my lovely partner, a hearty FUCK YOU to you.

On a less irritating note, I am going to the Ball with Daphne Greengrass. I find it completely odd that I am looking forward to this affair, when I usually despise occasions like this. I have my reasons, however, though it's surely not for the dressing up or socializing part. The mere thought makes me cringe. Two have given me their word that I shall be kept informed of their plans for the occasion, pranks and the like, and just envisioning them in my head is like a tickle to my  soul. I'm sure more are planning ways to ruin the Ball. With people like Malcom Baddock alive, I am almost certain I wouldn't be left disappointed...

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2008-02-02 05:47 am UTC (link)
Nature abhors a vacuum, so some such thing like that.

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2008-02-02 02:00 pm UTC (link)
... come again?

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2008-02-03 04:17 am UTC (link)
There has to be someone at the bottom of the food chain. How else will people at the top of said food chain know that they're at the top.

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2008-02-03 01:17 pm UTC (link)
I'm sure this can only be true. So, you're saying I have to keep them alive to maintain some sort of balance in this mortal realm? What a very logical, though utterly devastating, stated fact.

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