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Theodore Nott

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.002 [02 Feb 2008|06:40am]
October 24, 1997, morning


Can anyone perhaps enlighten me as to why we have to waste space by allowing Hufflepuffs to live? I need some sort of logical explanation, perhaps one that could leave me resigned to a fact I can do nothing about, if I wish to get through my evening without doing something I might regret in the near future.

[Private to self]

I have the complete misfortune of being paired with one Susan Bones for Astronomy. She perhaps defines a stereotypical Hufflepuff, and it's completely disgusting. Though shockingly, she has the backbone to imply to the entire student population that having me as a partner might RUIN Astronomy for her. Bones, pudding, no one cares.
I doubt I can resist hitting her with something if she even dares counter me during this meeting. Merlin, I don't think I can even stomach having her within five feet of myself for more than a few seconds.

To the brilliant mind that assigned me my lovely partner, a hearty FUCK YOU to you.

On a less irritating note, I am going to the Ball with Daphne Greengrass. I find it completely odd that I am looking forward to this affair, when I usually despise occasions like this. I have my reasons, however, though it's surely not for the dressing up or socializing part. The mere thought makes me cringe. Two have given me their word that I shall be kept informed of their plans for the occasion, pranks and the like, and just envisioning them in my head is like a tickle to my  soul. I'm sure more are planning ways to ruin the Ball. With people like Malcom Baddock alive, I am almost certain I wouldn't be left disappointed...
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