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Ginny ([info]theweasleygirl) wrote,
@ 2008-02-18 14:30:00

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Nothing like a weekend in town to clear the head, yeah? After playing nursemaid this week--and okay, yeah, I chose to do it, be quiet, Ron--it was just nice to stretch out and have a few butterbeers with friends. It just makes me antsy for holiday, though, a real holiday. I miss my family...though Fleur seems a pinch too anxious to expand the family with a little Phlegm wad. Pass: I'm not having kids until I'd be done with a Quidditch career.

Speaking of...I'm so glad Harry's arm is just about healed. I don't mind playing Seeker in practise, but I miss chucking the ol' quaffle around. Though--honestly, it's been a blast, to play with the reserves in, since Harry and Ron are out. Just a different feel, and change isn't so bad...sometimes.

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Private to Ron/Ginny and Against Professors
2008-02-18 11:23 pm UTC (link)
Sounds brill, actually.

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Private to Ron/Ginny and Against Professors
2008-02-18 11:31 pm UTC (link)
Fantastic! All we need to do is inform Harry...

...and make sure Kreacher keeps enough firewhiskey stocked...

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