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Ginny ([info]theweasleygirl) wrote,
@ 2008-02-18 14:30:00

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Nothing like a weekend in town to clear the head, yeah? After playing nursemaid this week--and okay, yeah, I chose to do it, be quiet, Ron--it was just nice to stretch out and have a few butterbeers with friends. It just makes me antsy for holiday, though, a real holiday. I miss my family...though Fleur seems a pinch too anxious to expand the family with a little Phlegm wad. Pass: I'm not having kids until I'd be done with a Quidditch career.

Speaking of...I'm so glad Harry's arm is just about healed. I don't mind playing Seeker in practise, but I miss chucking the ol' quaffle around. Though--honestly, it's been a blast, to play with the reserves in, since Harry and Ron are out. Just a different feel, and change isn't so bad...sometimes.

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Private to Ron/Ginny and Against Professors
2008-02-18 11:17 pm UTC (link)
Well, I know that he said that he wants to spend a bit of holiday there, just a day or two, to really get used to the place as his own. But I think this summer...wouldn't that be tops? The four of us, bashing around London with the old Order of the Phoenix stronghold as our home base? Oh, yes, that's what we should do!

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Private to Ron/Ginny and Against Professors
2008-02-18 11:23 pm UTC (link)
Sounds brill, actually.

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Private to Ron/Ginny and Against Professors
2008-02-18 11:31 pm UTC (link)
Fantastic! All we need to do is inform Harry...

...and make sure Kreacher keeps enough firewhiskey stocked...

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