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Ginny ([info]theweasleygirl) wrote,
Private to Ron/Ginny and Against Professors
Heh heh heh.

You, me, Hermione...all of us thank Merlin. Sod it, I think Mum does, too. If I had been Fleur, I think she would have slapped me to Scotland and back.

Well...it's my turn to protect him, then. It is. I know that...I got a lot of grief for being such a git about his injury on the journals, but...I have to take care of him, until he's sorted out all of the demons in his head. It might take him years, but it's my turn to take care of him. I just...always figured that you were...so focused on what you were doing...I never--you know...I feel breathless...we got back together so quickly, but I never knew he thought of me like...

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