Ronald Weasley (spidersbegone) wrote in theweasleygirl, |
Private to Ron/Ginny and Against Professors
NO! Bloody hell, Ginny, give me some credit here!
Hey, now, I didn't say you were one those those girls! I said you were a girl, which is pure fact, mind you. You and Hermione are nowhere near being those annoying, giggling, obsessive and perky girls. Trust me when I say thank Merlin for that.
Yeah. Doesn't know I saw him, I reckon. Caught him watching it for hours one time... just looking at your dot moving around the castle. No matter what he said or did, he wanted to be with you more than anything, Gin. He just couldn't... he was protecting you.
NO! Bloody hell, Ginny, give me some credit here!
Hey, now, I didn't say you were one those those girls! I said you were a girl, which is pure fact, mind you. You and Hermione are nowhere near being those annoying, giggling, obsessive and perky girls. Trust me when I say thank Merlin for that.
Yeah. Doesn't know I saw him, I reckon. Caught him watching it for hours one time... just looking at your dot moving around the castle. No matter what he said or did, he wanted to be with you more than anything, Gin. He just couldn't... he was protecting you.
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