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Ginny ([info]theweasleygirl) wrote,
Private to Ron/Ginny and Against Professors
Wooooonnie, oh Wooooooonniebear...

Fifteen and each time, it was a clinic on snogging, a bloody clinic. I hope you took notes, for Mione's sake...

Yes, but...you three saved the world. I had to sneak out to fight. I'm Mione's best friend and your sister and Harry's girl. I'm not a part of it, not like you three are. It's always going to be different, I suppose, and I need to sack up about it.

Golden Trio...Harry's the Saviour--well, we need to see what that royal bloody gash Rita Skeeter says in her new book. All of us might get new nicknames. Actually, I don't have a nickname! I'm quite anxious now...

Girls? Girls? Since when am I a girl?

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