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Jenn, Daughter of Saturn ([info]thesonsdaughter) wrote,
@ 2010-12-22 01:28:00

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Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Dylan
Email: on-file
AIM (if you have one): likewise
Character Name: Jenn
Character LJ (if applicable): daughterofsaturn
Physical description (face, build, weight): Jenn is a Saturnian, with a pale blue-white skin tone and dark hair.  Her appearance is somewhat variable—though not to the extent that a Martian is capable of altering theirs.  She uses her limited telepathic abilities to influence others into believing she appears to be a human of the same basic appearance as her natural form.
Age: 23
Birthday: January 18 by the Earth calendar
Codename (if using one): N/A
PB: (If using one.) Najarra Townsend (some modified icons, some not)

Abilities: Jenn possesses super-human strength and durability, limited shape-shifting abilities (enough to do stretchy tricks or reshaping her body for fighting), flight, empathic ability to read and project emotions, psychokinetic force blasts, and limited telepathic abilities (somewhat akin to a Jedi mind tricks)
Weaknesses and flaws:  As a Saturnian, Jenn is vulnerable to fire.  Because of her empathic abilities, strong emotions or large crowds of such can overwhelm her senses.
Character location/Home: Mobile
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Team:  Probably independent to start, though I’ll probably eventually shop her around for one.
Relatives (living/dead?):  Jemm (father), Cha'rissa (mother), J’onn J’onzz (godfather)

Backstory: Prince Jemm and Princess Cha'rissa of Saturn’s marriage was purely political, meant to bring the warring factions of Red and White Saturnians together, uniting Saturn under Jemm’s rule.  And for a time, all was well.  Jemm ruled as reasonable well as anyone could have been expected to under such circumstances.  And though the marriage was entirely political in nature and though Cha’rissa truly loved J’onn J’onzz, and heir was produced, whom they named Jenn.  Like her father before her, Jenn was born with a birthstone in her brow, which granted her empathic abilities of a greater extent than her father’s.


J’onn J’onzz of Mars and Earth was called in to help her control her abilities, and became regarded as a second father to her.  Likewise, J’onn’s daughter, J’anna, became a close friend of Jenn’s.  She would spent some time on Earth over her childhood, learning to master her abilities and interacting with non-Saturnians.


Jenn has spent the past few years away from Earth, devoting most of her time to her duties as a Princess of Saturn.  More recently, however, things have taken a turn for the worse.  A movement which wished to do away with the royalty has arisen, comprised, ironically, of both Red and White Saturnians.  Worse, they have gained control of the Faceless Hunters.  While the movement has remained only at the level of terrorism, the political situation is becoming charged.


Prince Jemm, however, was struck low by an assassin’s poison.  Though he will live, it was thought best to send the heir to the little blue planet called Earth, hopefully safe from whatever other troubles beset Saturn, while Cha’rissa rules.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?:  via a test scene, with Jenn coming to Earth
What are you planning to do with this character?: Jenn will kind of hop through the universe for a bit, meeting various people, before eventually returning to Saturn when the “Liberation Front” seizes power and threatens her mother.  She may end up on a team at some point.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: See above.  Go for the whole “alien on Earth” thing.

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