Yeah, that's about as likely as.. well, something with extremely low probability.
They're the greatest as making a mess of things. I've never attended a party they've thrown where something ridiculous didn't occur at some point in the evening. They're.. unpredictable in their spontaneity. But that kid is Emma's friend, so I have to invite her. I just hope she knows how to keep her wild blondes under control. Leland would be able to handle them, at least if he came.
Younger sister, yes. Little sister, maybe. But I'm not your baby sister.
Well, we needed to pee, and then wash our hands, fix our hair.. I needed help with the back of my dress zipper, that's all. We weren't "hooking up" don't be disgusting! I'm done discussing my sexuality and sexual lifestyle with you.
Current Mood determined
Current Music Arcade Fire - Abraham's Daughter