Bio: |
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| Victor Fox Tomorrow will take us away Far from home |
| [Age:] 34 [Are they a Fairy Tale Character:] Yes [Title of the Story, if a Fairy Tale Character:] The Robber Bridegroom [Their One Supreme Talent:] Can turn into a Fox, but only at night. [Where do they live:] Piper's Castle [PB:] Cillian Murphy
| The Story There's only one song Left in my mind |
| Victor was born in a small, one roomed shack to a former sailor turned robber, and a wench who sadly passed shortly after child-birth. He would have supposed, if he had ever thought on it, that his life was hardly idle. His father, James Fox, was a rough man who had a love for the sea still in him, despite the poor luck. So the man had taken to robbing the roads, opposed to making an honest living on the land he despised. It was this trade that he taught Victor as the boy grew up, alongside gambling. By fourteen, he reckoned there wasn’t a soul he couldn’t take money from while playing cards, and by sixteen, Victor was certain there wasn’t a man that he couldn’t steal a pursue off of while speaking to him face to face. Of course, by seventeen, he’d unwittingly learned that he wasn’t the best with a sword, but counted himself lucky when he’d managed to crawl out of the fight with only a facial reminder.
Still, Victor came to love his rough riding lifestyle as much as his father loved the sea; perhaps even more so. When his father finally passed, Victor hardly batted an eye when he decided to leave his home in search of greater rewards, and busty women to drown in. Thus he set off to find out what the greater world had in store for him.
He was only eighteen when he met a beautiful woman named Cindel. He believed, at least for a time, that he’d fallen in love with her. However, his thoughts continued to turn toward other things, and soon be became tired of being tied down to one place. Cindel grew angry with him, and pleaded with him to stay, but as it became more apparent that he was disinterested she became more desperate. She used her magic to look into his future, hoping to dissuade him from his life by the news of a bleak demise. However, what she saw horrified her. Torn between her love for Victor, and his terrifying future, she drugged him with beer and herbs. When he fell asleep she used magic to tattoo the words “thine heart is sealed” across his chest.
When Victor awoke, he was left confused and even a bit colder. When he looked for Cindel, he could not find her. So he left her home, and his life with her behind. For a number of years he was in and out of prisons, and spent much of his life on the road, running from one village to another. He was lucky in some ways, to have lived as long as he had.
When he was 28, though, Victor had been drunk and stupid. In an effort to show off, he’d been on a chair, and then promptly fell off the chair…breaking his leg. It took a few good weeks to heal, but after a bit he was up and about again; only this time he was sporting a new limp. But on top of that, Victor had fallen in with a new sort of merry bunch of robbers. Together they looted and plundered their way across the country side.
And it was through these men that Victor discovered a taste for something new: human flesh. At first he found himself hesitant, uncertain and unwillingly. But hunger and curiosity eventually won out. His first victim had been a local farmer; a fat man with an unhealthy taste for beer and wine. Following that had been a baker, a monk, and then something new- a nun. Through all his trials, Victor soon learned that younger flesh was better than old; more tender. The flesh of a woman was not as lean as a man’s, and so his tastes became refined.
By thirty he had begun to work his way to the top, and was acting as charlatan and leader for the group. He’d devised a new scheme for finding women to suit his ever more precise taste. At first they would take only a maiden here or there. Sometimes they would take her in the night, when no one was about to notice. Other times they would take the entire family like ravenous wolves.
Eventually Victor pooled their money together to buy land in the woods, where they built a home. His hunger was no longer for gold, he realized, but for the finest human meat he could find. They found themselves a cook, an old woman they kept alive to prepare their meals, and in that dark home Victor became to feel as if he were a king. Perhaps even God himself.
Or maybe just the devil.
His down fall began the year he turned thirty four, when he had come up the miller and his daughter. He gut and his heart agreed for once upon the same goal, and he asked for her hand in marriage. But when he insisted upon his bride coming to visit, he had not expected her to see what she did. And on his wedding night, he certainly had not expected her to tell the whole of her family. With his secrets laid bare, Victor attempted to flee for his life. He did not get far, however, before being caught by the villagers. Branded a demon, he was sentenced to death when the sounds of a haunting melody floated into the air.
The rioting villagers seemed to freeze in time, and Victor took his chance to flee once again. Following the music, he dashed deep into the forest, hurrying with all his might. From time to time he glanced behind him, worried that the others would follow and capture him again. It was only when he came upon a strange man at a cross roads that Victor came to understand something truly strange had happened to him that night. And when he answered the question posed to him, he felt as if fate had played an unexpected hand… |
| At A Glance Noone will ever know our names But the bards' songs will remain |
| [Physical Description:] Victor is tall and lanky. His eyes are a startling blue that look tired, even a bit sunken. His hair is mid-length, and dark to match his personality. He also has three tattoos, one on his forearm of one of raven, small but noticeable if he were to roll up his sleeves. On his back he has one more, which is simply the black outline of a fox. And lastly only his chest is a tattoo that reads, in black text, ‘thine heart is sealed’. He doesn’t explain any of them, thought they all have a meaning of one sort of another. Two distinct aspects of Victor appearance is the fact that he also walks with a limp, favoring his right leg, and that he has a faint scar on the left side of his face.
[Attire:] Victor is typically seen in presentable clothing. He wears heavy leather breeches, designed for riding, and a soft, love sleeved shirt in his most basic of outfits. However, he is often spotted wearing a wool vest and leather coat as well. He generally has a pair of gloves one, and is always seen with rapier (and the assorted belts to hold it up) on his right side and a knife on his left. He has tall riding boots, where he keeps a dagger hidden in his left boot. However, he does tend to avoid hats.
Personality [Strengths:] Cunning, Lying, cheating, sword fighting, horseback riding, sleight of hand, lock picking, pick-pocketing, eavesdropping [Weaknesses:] Can’t hold his drink, has a distrustful look about him, can’t run very fast, limps, hunting, archery, fishing, trapping (animals), beards make him look creepy, poor sense of direction, terrible choice in women [Quirks:] ++ He can’t hold his liquor to save his life, which is a bit shameful considering his usual company.
++ He sometimes licks his lips when speaking to people because he is imagining how tasty they are. Sometimes he frowns, because he is imagining how not tasty are they.
++ He points out the obvious flaws in someone to force reactions out of them. He does this, most of the time, because it is simply funny. No one ever claimed he was the most upstanding of men.
++ He likes to juggle while he is thinking. Not for any particular reason, just that he…thinks better when his hands are moving. He is a pretty decent juggler for it, and perhaps should have considered a life in entertainment instead.
[Secrets:] ++ The fox tattoo on his back was the only tattoo he actively wanted, the other two were ‘gifts’. The first was from a witch he’d met as a teenager, who had come to realize that the boy was full of dark intentions. She then drugged him, and cast a spell so that the tattoo could never be covered. The second was a raven, which he received while locked away in prison for a short time. He cannot recall the circumstances to receiving it all that well, but it revolved around losing a bet. The last, the fox, was something he’d asked from a gypsy woman. He was told, and believed for some time, that the fox tattoo was magical…and would keep him from being caught in his mischief.
++ He broke his leg from falling out of a chair, not while escaping five guards after stealing the Princess’s virginity and all the crown jewels. He likes to tell the other story, because well…falling off a chair while trying to light a candle? Not particularly interesting, or manly.
++ He has a heart, and the ability to make emotional connections, despite what many people think. He doesn’t really understand why everyone thinks he can’t feel, but he does believe life in generally smoother when emotions aren’t brought into the mix. Always easier to feast on a maid when you didn’t miss her blue eyes.
++ He hates the Piper, and doesn’t trust the man in the slightest. And can you blame him? Who can trust a man that doesn’t have a name?! It is unnatural, and unhealthy. A person wouldn’t trust anyone simply called ‘bandit’ or ‘gentleman’, it stands to reason that the Piper shouldn’t be any different. He doesn’t care what the rest of the god forsaken village thinks.
++ He likes the taste of human flesh. Be it a side effect of eating it for so long, or what, he has certainly developed a taste of it. He can look at a person and almost imagine what they’d taste like, and it makes his mouth water just a little. But he is also particular about who he eats, preferring young, virgin girls.
++ Victor sometimes regrets the becoming who he has become. Not in the ‘I would change it if I could’ way, though. He never really wants to be something different. It is more of the ‘sorry I got caught’ sort of regret. But along those same lines, he sometimes regrets not having a wife and children by now. It would be nice to have someone carry on the family line.
[Detailed Personality:] Victor is a bit of a quirky sort guy. On the one hand it is hard to deny that there is something completely untrustworthy of him, but on the other he can be fairly polite and conversational. He is a bit of a gambler, willing to take unnecessary chances at times. But while he might not think everything through, he is cunning enough to usually get himself out of trouble. He has a lot confidence in his abilities, particularly his swordsmanship, which supports his willingness to take a lot of chances.
He is also a mysterious sort, who doesn’t like giving details of his life out to people. He doesn’t, however, mind playing 50 questions with them to learn as much as he can. He simply prefers to let other people assume what they will about him. Given his sometimes ‘creepy’ nature, however, this tends to backfire from time to time. However, he usually tries to sweet talk his way out of real sticky points. Victor also takes to trying to read people, something he is only successful at about half the time. He tends to be a touch impatient, as well, when he is eager to get something and is forced to wait. He’ll often pace, and tap his foot irritably when he feels something is taking too long.
He also does not readily trust people. He figures much of the world is as rotten, and distrustful as him. It makes it easier to take advantage of them in some respects, but mostly it just gives him a reason to not warm up to them at all. He likes this because, despite what some would believe, Victor does form emotional connections with people when he least expects to. He is fully capable of a wide range, from love to hate and everything in between. He typically, however, finds them messy and undesirable. As a self-proclaimed loner, he doesn’t like the feeling of attachment to any one person, animal, or place. As a breed killer, he finds that emotions cause things to be messy. And as a man? Well, women always complicate things when you grow attached. |
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