tiffany hartman
13 April 2031 @ 01:53 am
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Tiffany Hartman

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tiffany hartman
26 January 2012 @ 08:08 am
Thursday June 26th; 10am  
Blocked from Melia & Spence
So, Spence asked me to be his date for Melia's party! :D I am a little ridiculously excited about this. I REALLY want to flail to Melia, but I can't tell her.

We hung out yesterday, though, and that was really fun and I'm really excited for the party! I hope she's surprised! It's been really hard not telling her, but I know the surprise will be worth it! She's going to be SO excited! Ollie and Sammie, let me know if I can help, okay?

Private to Melia.
Spence called me cute. And he said I have kissable lips.
tiffany hartman
16 December 2011 @ 02:00 am
Friday May 16th; Around 2pm  
I feel so bad for still going to Chelle's party when Melia can't go, but.. I can't miss it, right? I mean, HE will probably be there and it's supposed to be really awesome! I hear she got a band and everything. And I have this cute new bathing suit Kira said it was hot. I don't know if I can pull off hot, but she said I could to wear in the pool...

I mean, she'd tell me not to go if she didn't want me to go, right? Right.

I don't know about anyone else, but I am REALLY ready for the weekend!
tiffany hartman
06 December 2011 @ 12:04 am
Tuesday May 6th; Around 7am  
I don't know about anyone else, but I had a really great spring break. It seems like they've really been piling on the homework since we got back, though! I feel like I haven't had time for anything but homework in the last week! It's insane!

I'm trying not to get my hopes up about prom. I mean, I really, really want him to ask me, but I don't want to think he might and then be all disappointed when he doesn't. He's probably taking Dari. I'd hate her if she wasn't so freaking NICE!

Ugh. Why is it only Tuesday? I'm beyond ready for the weekend to get here.
tiffany hartman
09 October 2011 @ 01:58 pm
Sunday March 9th; 2PM  
I can't believe it's March already! Spring break is just over a month away! Is anyone doing anything exciting?

Private. Melia can read.
I had a really good time at the winter dance with Spence, but..

I don't know. I really wish Jeremy had asked me. I know Dari's his best friend and all, but we've been.. I guess a part of me just thought he might like me enough to ask me.

I don't even know why I'm still thinking about this. It's been, like, three weeks.

And I really did have a nice time at the dance.
tiffany hartman
03 August 2011 @ 12:19 pm
Wednesday January 3rd; 12noon  
Private; Ash & Melia can read.
What do you think makes a girl a slut?

Completely Private.
Oh. My. Gosh.

I can't believe I did that.

I mean, it felt good.

It felt really, REALLY good.

We've only really had, like ONE date, though. And I let him.. and then in his BATHROOM. I can't believe I did that in a BATHROOM.

I am such a slut.

But what if I said no and he didn't like me anymore?

Private to Jeremy.

That was some party. Is it 3 o'clock, yet? I'm ready to be out of school for the day.
tiffany hartman
27 July 2011 @ 05:41 pm
Wednesday December 27th; around 10am  
Private; Readable by Ashleigh & Melia

Jeremy Pitt kissed me! A LOT!

Best. Party. Ever.

I wonder if he'd want to see a movie or something. Should I text him? Or is that too pathetic? I don't know how to deal with boys! I'd ask Aaron, but he'd just make fun of me.

I had a REALLY good time at Jase and Kris' party last night! Seriously awesome party, guys! Thanks for inviting me. Or, well, everyone.
tiffany hartman
26 July 2011 @ 04:59 pm
Tuesday December 26th; Around 5pm  
Private to Siblings + Ashleigh
Are you guys going to this party tonight? I kind of want to check it out, but I don't want to go by myself.

I think I'm STILL full from Christmas dinner, but OH MY GOSH, it was good! I should probably go for a run or something. I swear, I ate enough to gain a hundred pounds in the last couple of days!
tiffany hartman
24 July 2011 @ 11:13 am
Sunday December 24th, 2010; 11am  
CHRISTMAS EVE! Who's excited for presents? Ash and I did some last minute shopping yesterday and now I am totally ready for everyone to open the gifts I bought them!

Plus, Mom and I are doing lots of baking today! Normally, I don't like sweets that much, but I think I'll have to have some of these cookies. They look too awesome not to eat!