Dinah wasn't born mute. She was punished by Rapithwin for a past indiscretion by having her voice taken away (and essentially cutting her off from her ability to control people). She has developed a way of speaking with her hands that she has taught to those she trusts, but she seems to have a kind of telepathy with those she wishes to use her powers on. She was one of Levi's many lovers. She once gave birth on the mainland to a little boy she named Asher. He was left with his father to be raised and he has never known her. She has kept this secret from her fellow Enkeli.
Jael is fiesty and peculiar. She often takes Levi's side for no better reason than to irritate Dinah. Jael has caused a lot of conflict on the island, particularly between the elves and often for no better reason than that she is bored. She was also one of Levi's lovers, however they stopped when he realized they would have no children.
Levi is the island's mischief maker and run away lover. Levi has had entanglements with many of the island's inhabitants. Levi has more lovers on the island than is possibly redeemable. He also has a bevy of children, all daughters. What he desperately wants is a son to carry on his work, but what he doesn't realize is that he cannot have sons, only daughters. All of his trying has resulted in seven daughters (Helen and Heidi from his affair with Serene, Deryn from his affair with Rhian, Dahlia from his affair with an unnamed Kantele, and Sarah, Rose, and Emily from an unnamed witch). He is having an affair with Branwen, as well as her tribe mate, Sveta. The only one of his children that he raised was Helen, simply because she was born with wings and would fit no where else. He took her with serious reluctance, but found he took to raising her with the same zeal he has in destroying what he deems are inferior tribes. He has kept detailed histories and family trees on the island, without anyone's knowledge. He seeks to breed out, or kill those who are inferior in his eyes (particularly the Guarnizioni and the Liten Meneske).
Helen is the daughter of Levi and Serene. Levi will not tell her who her mother is, or that she has an older sister (and another half-sister) simply because he was promised against doing so. He also has kept from her the reason why she can cast magic as well as her Enkeli powers, though her Kouzelheks abilities are considerably weaker than her Enkeli ones. Besides her irritations with her father she really loves her strange family in the little house in the Southern Valley.
Abel is a weird and outcast sort of Enkeli. He lives in a separate cabin with his girlfriend Lily of the Unger All. He's a craftsman of sorts, building custom chairs and tables and gifting them in exchange for magic or food.
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