Ganesh is a little left of center. Usually mumbling to himself about the weather, he likes to wander around the island and barely gets himself out of trouble with other tribes. Not to be trusted with any amount of responsibility. It's rumored that Ganesh once ate one his younger siblings, but it's possible he started this rumor himself.
Broderick is kantele, living in her own special spots on the island. She doesn't like to be called Brody or Rick or any sort of nickname. Broderick's special gift is the ability to turn various objects different colors just by touching them. Since discovering this ability her hair has been through a plethora of impossible colors. She doesn't find much use for this ability other than changing her hair.
She likes to spy on the faerie village, as if it's her own private soap opera to watch. She is extremely talkative and bubbly. She could talk about anything (or nothing in particular) for hours on end. She may have a photographic memory (it works with any form of information she takes in, whether by seeing or listening).
Sveta has taken relish in fighting during the many elf skirmishes; ever the warrior she practices when there isn't fighting and is right at the front lines when trouble starts. She has no desire to end the violence. She is having a secret relationship with Levi of the Enkeli Everto.
Fiona is the island's sole banshee (or Todesfee); a recluse in the Black Woods who wails when death approaches. She may be part fae, or even part witch, but she never asked about her lineage and sadly she is the last known banshee of her line. She is a solitary creature.
She lives in Corcyra's marsh and is very close with the eleionomae. She looks to her for guidance, comfort, and support when she feels lost or her grief becomes overwhelming. She worries about what will befall her if she truly is the last of her kind.
Lily is Abel's girlfriend. She is gentle and sweet; she makes an effort to always do what's right over what's easy. She fled from the Ungur All during the Elven war and sought safety elsewhere, meeting Abel along the way. They live in a little cabin in the Southern Valley apart from the other Enkeli.
The Others - Post a comment
The Others (theothers) wrote on September 7th, 2010 at 10:15 pm
Biographies: The Others