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you hear it first. ([info]thenewstoday) wrote,
@ 2013-08-14 16:53:00

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News from Falmouth!
Falmouth Falcon's keeper Michal Conway Lynch was rushed to St. Mungo's late last night after the team healer was unable to wake the quidditch player up following an accidental unseating at practice.

In what was described by the Falmouth's manager as "a misfiring of communication" between Lynch and Falmouth chaser Howell Williams, Lynch fell off his broom and clipped a hoop before hitting the ground. Lynch was not wearing a helmet, and did not have his wand on him prior to the fall.

"Three knocks to the head one after another is never good," Percival Derwent, the Falcon's team Healer, stated in a press release early this morning. "His injury would have been less severe if he had had his wand on him. Players usually do to avoid accidents like this."

"Michal has a thick skull," Cuthbert Alton, Falmouth Manager, responded when asked if the fact that Lynch was put in a potion-induced coma was troubling. "I am not going to make an official statement about the line up for Saturday's match against Montrose until he is awake."

No other Falcons representatives responded further. When asked for a statement, Williams refused to comment.

As of now, Lynch is still in Mungo's charge.

Lynch has been a staple on the Falcon's roster since 1979, and is known for his brash tactics in the league and aloof personality in the media. He has established in the past his close relationships with his teammates, Williams especially, so with what little information coming out of Falmouth at the time, it is unclear what actually happened on the pitch.

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