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jonathan & megan ([info]thembones) wrote,
@ 2009-03-06 10:19:00

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I. Do not. Understand. I am six months pregnant today, and I only look as if I've eaten too much dessert. WHY AM I NOT FAT I HAVE GAINED THE WEIGHT WHERE THE HELL IS IT GOING TO, MY ASS?

Oh God it is going to my ass OEGIDSJLKGMNS

I can't take this. Jonathan, you have the baby.

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2009-03-07 01:09 am UTC (link)
I have! He's an old, old man so I suppose he may have forgotten, but all of those smirks from the other teachers! I could've screamed right there SDJFsmn I wanted to beat Caitlin that's for---OOH THAT'S OFF THE LIST NOW

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2009-03-07 01:14 am UTC (link)
If he's that old, you shouldn't let it bother you. And really, to hell with the other teachers. You are very pregnant and very gorgeous. Hell, you look ten times better than I did at six months.

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2009-03-07 01:29 am UTC (link)
No wonder you're on the Wizengamot. You are ridiculously good at convincing people of things, Amelia Susan Bones ---------SUSAN. I LOVE THAT NAME SUSAN SUSAN---

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2009-03-07 01:35 am UTC (link)
Ahhh so that's why they hired me.

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