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User:thehonourable (17941)
Name:Hon. Arthur Holmwood
Bio:But now you are here, you are more good than us, old or young, who toil much in the world of thought. Our nerves are not so calm and our blood so bright than yours!

Schools:None listed
People17:aurora_leigh, cainsheresy, campfireyarns, galvanised, garlicwreath, gothickmods, hydeandseek, madam, morethansister, onlyabnormally, roncevalles, servantingeneva, thedoctorisin, thefoodchain, thehonourable, theslayer, wifeoftheyear
Friend of:21: aurora_leigh, cainsheresy, campfireyarns, farfromhome, galvanised, garlicwreath, gothickmods, hydeandseek, littlegreycells, madam, morethansister, onlyabnormally, roncevalles, servantingeneva, theantichrist, thedoctorisin, thefoodchain, thehonourable, theslayer, wifeoftheyear, winterplans
Member of:1: gothick
Account type:Early Free User

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