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Douglas Hrimharisson ([info]thegrimone) wrote,
@ 2011-09-23 22:52:00

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A vast battle that had addled the minds of the participants so much it was hard to remember half of what had occurred.

Asgard and its allies had been victorious, but it was good, at times, for terms of temporary truces to be hammered out after the mourning and the celebration was done. This was often done not by Aesir themselves, who weren't exactly the best at such negotiations with their neighbors, but more 'neutral,' if loyal, allies like the Wolves of the Forest.
While his Father attended to other matters, Douglas was sent on the mission to Svartheim..

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2011-09-24 03:05 am UTC (link)
He nods at the last part. "Of course. A very tiring few days. But yes, as 'tis said on Midgard, the buck stops with them." Douglas always assumed that this American saying had to do with the Alpha's having the say on how the kill is apportioned, but Granny had tended to look at him funny when operated on that assumption.

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2011-09-25 02:25 am UTC (link)
"My knowledge of Midgard is..limited. What does that mean?"

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2011-09-25 02:33 am UTC (link)
"That the responsibilities of leadership, both the glory of the triumphs and the blame for the failures, can only be doled out so far, and no further."

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