Thursday, June 24th, 2010


AIM: killerzetsu

CHARACTER NAME: Skári [lit. "seagull"] Thorsson
LJ: [info]thedashingone 

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION:  Athletic.  6'.  380 lbs.  Red Hair.  Green Eyes.
AGE: Fifteen
PB: Lasse Pedersen

ABILITIES: Superhuman Strength [Twenty-Two Tons--he's not done growing], Stamina, Durability, Longevity, Healing, Will, Sailing, Bladed Combat, Singing [Tenor].

WEAKNESSES/FLAWS: Skári is young and not quite as strong or skilled as any of his older siblings.  His attitude usually lands him into trouble and can cause him some downfall in various situations.  He also possesses the standard Asgardian weaknesses.

LOCATION/HOME: Asgard, Sea of Marmora, Sea of Space

Thor [Father/Alive]
Einmyria [Mother/Alive]
Sif [Mother 2/Alive]
Svalin Thorsdottir [Sister/Alive]
Aridis Thorsdottir [Sister/Alive]
Aslief Thorsdottir [Sister/Alive]
Halbjorn Thorsson [Brother/Alive]
Two Younger Siblings [Alive]
Loki [Grandfather/Uncle/Alive]
Douglas Hrimharisson [Cousin/Alive]

HISTORY: Skári was the first non-twin child of Thor.  Much of his free time during his childhood was spent on board ships where he developed his love for boats and sailing.  The rest of his time was spent with training and hanging with Hjordis and Douglas.  During the attempt of Manawydan to steal Aradis as his bride, Skári, Hjordis, and Douglas attempted to confront him and take back Aradis.  They failed and were captured, and then saved by the Defenders.  They were also present during the events mistaken for Ragnarok, where Skári received his prophecy from Odin.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game? He was already an NPC before this.
What are you planning to do with this character? Be amazing.
What do you want to see happen with this character? Develop.  Be amazing.</lj>
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