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[26 Apr 2008|02:08pm]
[The Knights]

While the recent trouble within the Black family has, I know, afforded at least one of our number some amusement, I remain concerned. They are, after all, the Blacks- decay within such a seemingly infallible family can only indicate decay among the community at large.

I propose the consideration of measures to stop that decay.
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[20 Feb 2008|09:59am]
[The Knights]

It's fascinating, is it not, how our recent holiday seems designed to bring out the worst in even the most delicate of females? I do wonder if the ancient St. Valentine had any inkling what misery his name would bring to the ensuing generations. And all over who received the most flowers- useless trinkets which with wither before the week is out at any rate. Fascinating.
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[17 Jan 2008|02:39pm]
Messrs Broadmoor;

While no one can deny that you are both <i>outstanding</i> specimens of Gryffindor House, your manner of speaking to ladies who have been brought up in gentility leaves much to be desired. May I advise, then, silence as the proper course of action in regard to such women as the Blacks, until such a time as you have learned the difference between compliment and crassness? I am sure you will find yourselves not only much more popular, but the subjects of much less ire from your fellow male students who do know how to behave.

Tom Riddle
Slytherin prefect
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