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Tony : [11 Apr 2013|02:56pm]
I'm only doing this because my therapist said it would be good for me...

My name is Tony and my mother's been dead for the past ten years.
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Blake : [11 Apr 2013|02:58pm]
Going through a bunch of old CDs and man oh man did I have crap taste in music back in the day. I should destroy these before Rhys finds them, or worse Emma.
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Gina : [11 Apr 2013|02:59pm]
Screw what my mother seems to think about freaks and murderers. I'm making myself and online dating profile. I'm that desperate.
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nicholas crittenden [11 Apr 2013|03:01pm]
people can be so fucking cruel today someone made me cry and i just need to remind myself that their words mean nothing. i matter. rich matters. kevin matters. that is all.
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[ viewing | April 11th, 2013 ]
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