the_foolish's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Blake : [08 Feb 2012|01:16am]
There aren't enough hands in the world to make an awkward bloomin' onion to compare the awkwardness of tonight. It's just... really?!

Bed is calling to me. It's past one. Rhys has been sleeping about twenty minutes now. And I think he needs my company. So I'm going to go. Night.
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Tony : [08 Feb 2012|01:19am]
does anyone ever wonder about me anymore?
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Gina : [08 Feb 2012|01:19am]
Stomach bug has been working it's way about the island of Manhattan and I seem to be it's latest victim. Ugh. I feel disgusting and groggy. But it's nearly 1:30 and I am wide awake. I am calling in tomorrow. This is awful.
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nicholas crittenden : [08 Feb 2012|01:21am]
sometimes when i look to hard for to long at something the edges blur and it looks hand drawn. i haven't figured out why this happens i am just aware that it does. tonight for dinner we ordered chinese because rich wouldn't cook a damned thing. i had work today and i did not hate it. never saw the purpose of a fish tank but lately i want to get a betta. i want kevin and i and rich to have a betta in our living room. a blue one
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[ viewing | February 8th, 2012 ]
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