The Cult of Kobra is an international terrorist organization/cult, which worships the Kali Yuga (the Age of Chaos). To this extent, they have manipulated both Jeffery and Jason Burr, a pair of conjoined twins with a psychic link into serving as their leader as different times, frequently bringing them into conflict with Earth’s super-heroes, including Batman, Wally West, the JSA, Aquaman, the original Outsiders, and the Suicide Squad.
Eventually, both Burr brothers were killed and the organization fell into disarray and was not heard from for many years.
Recently, however, a man calling himself the Serpent Supreme has seized control of the organization, rallying it around the belief that the next Naga-Naga was to be born soon, and that they could make this infant into their new leader.
Kobra, unlike other terrorist organizations, is not after money or power, but to create chaos and destruction, to remake the world anew for a new age.
The Serpent Supreme
His face hidden being a reflective faceplate, the identity of the Serpent Supreme is unknown. Though his voice is high and shrill, and he tends to extend his s sounds when he speaks, he is a powerful and charismatic leader, utterly devoted to the coming Kali Yuga.
The Supreme Serpent is a skilled leader of men and designer of weapons.
The Iron General
Wearing a metal helmet around his head, the Iron General controls the military portion of Kobra, overseeing the training and instruction of the many Kobra Cultists. A refined gentleman of European ancestry, he can sometimes be an honorable foe. Unlike the other members of the Kobra hierarchy, he has no belief in the Kali Yuga, but finds the organization stimulating all the same, seeing fulfilling their goals as excellent mental exercises.
The Iron General is a skilled combatant and military commander.
The Countess
Forming the third of the upper echelon of Kobra leadership with the Serpent Supreme and the Iron general, the Countess was the daughter of a European nobleman once held for ransom by the Kobra Cult in exchange for certain technologies. While they appeared to kill her, what they in fact did was sent her to be raised by the Cult, where she eventually bought into their ideologies lock, stock, and barrel. She quickly rose through the ranks, determined to serve the cause in whatever way she can. It is believed that she may be the lover of the Iron General, but nothing has ever been proven or disproven.
The Countess is a trained fighter and assassin, and is a master of many weapons, as well as the art of seduction. Genetic engineering has given her pheromones that make it almost impossible for a man to resist her.
Professor Brainwave
Like the other members of Kobra, Professor Brainwave’s real identity has long since ceased to be of importance to him, only the identity which serves to bring about the Kali Yuga is important. But what is known is that he was once a skilled neurological research scientist, working to create technology that would help alleviate pain or suppress violent impulses in mental patients. When the Kobra Cult desired his technology, they first chose to test it on him, transforming a once peaceful and gentle man into a mad scientist.
Professor Brainwave is an extremely skilled scientist, specializing in the field of mind control technology, but equally skilled in many other fields.
Col. Kill
Timothy Lawrence Kill (not known to have served in an recognized military) has a long and bloody career as a mercenary behind him, having served in many militias and terrorist organizations across the world. The Kobra Cult may be a bit freaky, but as far as he’s concerned, they pay the bills and let him exercise his more sadistic tendencies. That’s more than enough for him.
Col. Kill is a trained fighter and a master of virtually all firearms. Working for the Kobra Cult, he employs a jetpack and a variety of advanced weapons.
The Enforcer
The Enforcer is not so much a singular individual as an identity forced upon (or sometimes eagerly taken by) a Kobra Cultist. Genetic engineering removes all sense of self from the chosen, turning them into a powerful man-monster with only limited reasoning abilities.
The Enforcer is super-humanly strong, nearly invulnerable, possesses wings for flight, and sharp bone spurs on his elbows.
Her real identity is unknown, but the woman called Serpenterra is no longer entirely human, her DNA having been spliced with various pieces of snake DNA. One of Kobra’s chief field agents, she is utterly merciless and cruel.
Serpenterra possesses enhanced strength, super-human agility and flexibility (so much so that between that and her strength, she can wrap her arms or legs around a person enough to crush their bones), poison fangs and poison razor-sharp finger nails.
Like Serpenterra, Sylther’s DNA has been altered by an infusion of snake DNA, making him something other than human. Another field agent, he is just as merciless and ruthless as she, save that where she often kills quickly, he prefers to play with his targets, making them suffer.
Slyther possesses enhanced strength, reflexes, stamina, and poison fangs. He is a skilled fighter and a master of many weapons.