![]() FULL NAME: Tess Marcheline Fairchild NICKNAMES: She hated being called Tessie while growing up but is secretly fond of it when used by someone she's close to or likes. AGE: 17 BIRTHDATE: March 28, 1993 YEAR: 12th GRADE POINT AVERAGE: She strives to do her best and usually makes A's, though she does get the occasional B/B+. CLASSES ENROLLED IN: Core classes as well as Intermediate Dance (1), Drawing and Painting (2), Music Appreciation (3). She thought of taking Debate and Politics but was persuaded by her mother into dropping it for Music Appreciation - an elective that was thought to be more suited to her. ACTIVITIES: Drama Club - she's a hopeless romantic who loves theater and literature. Drama Club is where she absolutely loses herself and thrives. It's one of the places where she can forget her weaknesses. BLOOD STATUS: Pure as far back as their records take them. POLITICAL VIEWS: Tess has been kept carefully away from muggles growing up and was nearly always in the presence of a family member. She hasn't had much experience with them and so she tends to think the way that her parents think in regards to them; which is that they're different from them and should be kept at arms length. Better to avoid them and mix with your own kind. Family/Relationships PARENTS: MOTHER: Josephine Fairchild - Socialite. SIBLINGS: Two older brothers who've already graduated. EXTENDED FAMILY: May have one or two cousins from her fathers side running around who might be referenced. Aslo, both of her brothers are married and so I might mention their wives here and there. AMP Status: Yes, both of Tess's older brothers had their marriages arranged and Tess has been set up to follow in their footsteps. She's also the only girl and so her mother is taking extra care to lead her into the life that she's expected to lead. Appearance APPEARANCE: Tess is tall and kind of 'solid', a fact that sometimes bothers her. She's struggled with the fact that she's never going to be considered waif-like, a trait that her mother constantly reminds her, didn't come from her side of the family. Because of this, she's nearly always on a diet, though she cheats often and especially when she's feeling down or bothered by something. Her eyes are large and piercing blue and she thinks they're her prettiest feature, though she's also fond of her hair, which she normally keeps loose. She prefers to dress casually and loves jeans, sneakers and long-sleeved shirts, though she doesn't like to look baggy and sloppy. When she does dress up, she likes romantic styles. She's a daydreamer so she's sometimes a little out of it and clumsy, though she's worked hard not to be. Sometimes she might appear to be...elsewhere? PREFERRED PB: Alexandra Daddario Personality LIKES: Daydreaming - Tess needs time alone to function properly. She's unsure of herself and feels most at peace when she's contemplating things. Reading and going to the Theater - She loves a good story and often likes to lose herself in them. It's very easy for her to completely lose track of the time while reading a good book and sometimes she reads an entire book in one sitting. Horses - She has a horse and rides competitively. The outdoors - Her family owns a vineyard in California and she spends a lot of time outdoors there. DISLIKES: Very large crowds - She's out of her element in very large crowds and her nerves won't return to normal until she finds herself in smaller company. Being put on the spot - Tess dislikes being called out or put on the spot when she isn't expecting it. As long as she is and isn't taken by surprise, she's fine. Waking up early - If allowed to, Tess wouldn't mind sleeping away the occasional day. STRENGTHS: Personality-wise and misc. (such as cooking). - Tess is bright and passionate about things that she loves or is interested in. - She's very loyal and loving to her friends and family and sticks with them through the good and bad. - Charms. She's excellent at charms and her wandwork is really strong. WEAKNESSES: She's easily led and controlled by her parents. From her core, what she desperately wants is to please them. Which may very well translate to the person she's matched with. - Tess can be somewhat scatterbrained since she'd rather have her nose in a book or something along those lines. She's more often than not daydreaming about something she read, a play that she saw or a song that she heard and sometimes forgets things that others might find more important. - She hates Event Planning. Again, she can be scatterbrained and it's taken a lot to get up to speed in this course. It definitely doesn't come fluidly to her. DETAILED PERSONALITY: Tess is a hopeless romantic who is petrified at the idea of being married to someone that she doesn't love. Despite her parents assurances that love grows in time, Tess is a nervous wreck now that she's full on confronted with her future. She's eager to please, though since she's unsure of herself she's prone to becoming very defensive when challenged which sometimes makes her feel even more awkward with her betrothed. She's a bit awkward around people that she doesn't know but loves to laugh and can easily make new friends with people who are nice and also like a good joke. Though she loves her friends, she does need time to unwind by herself and likes to do that with music, a good book, a walk around campus, writing letters to loved ones and writing in her journal. Tess is extremely obedient and does what's wanted of her to the best of her abilities. She's generally pleasant but can become very argumentative and when she's very stressed Tess will sometimes pick fights with those close to her. History CHILDHOOD: Born into privilege, certain things have always been expected of Tess. Being the only girl out of the three Fairchild siblings, she's expected to be the epitome of a lady - a charge which she more often than not falls short of, though Merlin knows she does her best. Tess was a clumsy child and her mother saw it as important to have her dance from a young age in hopes that she'd learn to be more graceful but even so, she's never been able to be spectacular at it. She's thrived in competitive horseback riding, swimming and acting. AT ELIGERE. Tess is a good student who does her best, even when she hates a subject (i.e. home management). She puts her all into her electives especially and loves Drama club. Most often, Tess can be found spending her free time outside, in the library or people watching and chatting with her friends, especially Roisin O'Connor. (But we're open and hopeful that we'll make plenty of other friends) At this point, whether or not she would spend a lot of time with her betrothed would depend on his feelings and attitude towards her. Though she's worried about her future and scared of being stuck in a marriage without love, she'd want them to be friends. Examples JOURNAL ENTRY: I've just finished my first day back at school for my senior year and I can't exactly explain how I feel at the moment. I guess I'll start by saying that I miss the summer. I miss my house and my horse and sitting under the shade of the big tree outside of my bedroom window. I miss the sound of our dogs barking outside in the mornings. I miss my mom and dad and my friends back home but I think at this point, the thing I miss most is the idea that I'm just Tess; a normal seventeen year old who has nothing bigger to worry about in the coming year than whether any boys are going to be interested in me or which parts I'll get in Drama. And of course there are positive feelings in there as well! I'm excited to hang out with my friends here and it may not be complete freedom but mom can't exactly watch my every move here like she's taken to doing at home. Seriously, it's going to be amazing. Okay, that's enough of that. I'm supposed to meet Roisin for a walk around campus so that we can officially catch up on all of our summer adventures! I'll write again soon, I promise. And next time I won't be half as negative! RP SAMPLE: [Old Hogwarts RP - I'm writing Luke and Mallory while a friend of mine wrote Tom] Mallory crept up behind Tom and Luke at the Ravenclaw table with Fee walking along next to her. She'd stayed behind in the girls dorm that morning to head down to breakfast alone with Fee. Mallory found that she was glad for the time with her friend, even if it was only a few moments in between the time that they spent with the guys. "Thank Merlin it's Friday," she said, wrapping her arms around Tom's shoulders from behind and planting a kiss on his cheek. "I want to get absolutely wrecked with you tonight," she told him. "Fucked beyond recognition," she added, nuzzling the side of his face before sitting down on his other side. Luke turned and seeing Fee stood up, kissing her soundly and helping her into the empty space between him and Tom. "You'll have enough opportunity for it," he said, happily, unfurling a piece of parchment and tapping it with his wand. He slid it along the table, between the plate of toast and a pitcher of orange juice just as the words began to spread along the light surface. Mallory read the flyer, grinning widely as her eyes flickered from side to side. "Brilliant," she said, passing it back and watching as he passed it on to Fee. Luke drained his glass and refilled it. "The schools going to be a ghost town but I'm positive that everyone from fourth year on is going to be sneaking out of Hogwarts tonight," he told them. "Weird sisters are headlining." Tom smirked at Mallory and turned his head to capture her lips for a quick kiss. "Witheridge and I were just talking about that actually," he began before letting Luke tell the girls what they were planning. He took in Mallory's reaction and was pleased when she seemed excited. "Happy," he asked wrapping his arm about her waist and brushing his lips against her cheek. "I'm happy it's Friday too. I haven't seen you as much as I'd have liked to. It's because we skipped so much, but I'm not complaining. At least we're sort of caught up now." "I've got one more assignment to do and I'm completely caught up," she told him, helping herself to a hearty breakfast and draping her leg over his under the table. One of the ways she'd made herself sit through all of the long grueling study and homework sessions was by promising herself a weekend full of drinking, smoking, laughing with friends and Tom. "What time are we leaving," Mallory asked the three of them, nibbling on a piece of toast while she served herself a glass of juice. She'd been spending a lot of time with Fee and Hannah and she wanted to make sure that she brought the other girl along. OOC Info NAME: Nicole AIM SCREENNAME: harrowingheights@aim.com E-MAIL ADDRESS: harrowingheights@aim.com TIMEZONE: US/Eastern. NYC Wat wat JOURNAL TO BE USED: ![]() LINK TO PUBLIC BIO: http://www.scribbld.com/users/tessfairc HANDWRITING FONT: Pea C-squared: http://kevinandamanda.com/fonts/fontsfo BLURB: Tess is a hopeless romantic who can't help but wear her heart on her sleeve. While she's a remarkably good daughter who more often than not follows the very straight and narrow road that her traditionalist parents have set for her without question or complaint, she can't quite seem to shake her biggest fear; being stuck in a loveless marriage for the rest of her life. |