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1. What is your full name? Do you have a nickname? Kyle Theo Knight, but everyone calls me "Teddy." My codename is "Star."
2. How old are you? When is your birthday? 17. April 18, 1992.
3. Where were you born? Where do you live now? Are you patriotic? I don't know, dad got me later. I live in Opal City, MD. The US is pretty rockin'.
4. Who are/were your parents? (Names, occupations, personalities, etc.) Jack Knight's my dad, he's Starman and an antique dealer. He also knows everything about movies. He doesn't talk about mom, and I know she's dead. Everybody says dad'll tell me about it when he's ready, so there's probably some tragic love story or something.
5. Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like? Nope, though being a Titan doesn't always make it feel that way.
6. What is your occupation? High school student and teen superhero, baby.
7. How tall are you? How much do you weigh? 5’9”, 150lbs or so
8. What color is your hair? What color are your eyes? Black. Blue.
9. What is your race? Meat popsicle.
10. To which social class do you belong? Middle class.
11. Do you consider yourself to be attractive? Do others? Yeah. I guess. No one's told me I fell outta the ugly tree yet.
12. What is your style of dress? Jeans and a tee.
13. Do you have any scars? Tattoos? Birthmarks? Other unique physical features? Plenty of little scars from being active. Dad won't let me get a tattoo until I'm 18. I've got a mole on my left cheek, a few freckles in other places.
14. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses? I'm allergic to pennicillin.
15. Are you right- or left-handed? Left.
16. What does your voice sound like? Uh?
17. What kind of vocabulary do you use? Inappropriate.
18. List three quirks or other defining characteristics. I have a really short attention span. I covet my father's goggles. I apparently have a moderately annoying sarcasm problem.
19. How often do you bathe? Do you wear perfumes? Uh, usually daily, but as much as needed. And no, perfume is for girls.
20. What kind of facial expression do you commonly wear (dour glare, wry smile, etc)? Stupid smirk.
21. Do you use body language? How? Gesturing's helpful.
22. Do you have a commonly used saying? Uh?
23. What is your earliest memory? Some random dinner at the JSA, sitting on top of some books on a chair next to grandpa.
24. How much schooling have you had? Did you enjoy it? A frustrating number of years. No. Training to be a hero is way more fun.
25. Where did you learn most of your knowledge and skill? Dad, the JSA, the Titans, Aunt Dinah, Aunt Jade, Mr. and Mrs. Dibny... lotsa people.
26. How would you describe your childhood in general? Never lonely.
27. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Starman.
28. When and with whom was your first kiss? Tracy Alejandro.
29. Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity? Yes.
30. Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor? Does that affect you? SHYEAH! My grandpa was the Starman. That makes me awesome by nature.
31. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far? Fighting to save our parents.
32. What do you consider your greatest achievement? Actually saving our parents.
33. What is your greatest regret? I'm not old enough for one of those yet.
34. What is the most embarrassing or shameful thing ever to happen to you? Once when I was nine, Lian bet me $2 that I couldn't fly without dad's star rod. I decided to prove her wrong by climbing up on the roof. The embarrassing part isn't really that I couldn't fly, more that I didn't mist my way out of the broken arm I got. She called me "Fall Out Boy" for almost a year.
35. Do you have any secrets? If so, what are they? I'm really a Keebler elf.
36. What is the most evil thing you have ever done? Um, I generally find it a good idea to steer clear of evil acts.
37. When was the time you were the most frightened? When I was twelve, I woke up in the middle of the night because I heard crashing from the kitchen. Some crazy dude called 'Slipknot' was tryin' to strangle dad to death. Me and dad kicked his butt, and after dad found out the mob sent the guy, I had to stay at the JSA for a while. It was pretty scary going back home at first, too.
38. Have you ever traveled outside of your country? If so, to where? A few places. India was pretty cool.
39. What is your alignment? Bi-pedal meat popsicle... nah, seriously, I'm a good guy.
40. Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic!
41. Do you believe in a god? If so, which one and why? I'm not sure. I'll get back to you.
42. Do you believe in an afterlife? Yeah.
43. What is your greatest fear? Something happening to my friends or family.
44. What makes you angry? Sad? Happy? Why? People who use other people, because it's rooted in laziness and selfishness. Never knowing some of my dead family members, because I only get to hear about everything they could've taught me. Rock-climbing, because it takes a lot of preparation, concentration, hard work, and endurance, but the pay-off at the top is exhilarating every time.
45. Do you think people are basically good or basically evil? It's not an either-or sort of thing, but people can make the decision to be one more than the other.
46. What are your views on politics? Religion? Sex? Politics have their place, I guess. I'm not really interested. I think it's better to have faith than to be religious. I don't think a lot of people know why they have sex, and I think miss what it's supposed to mean.
47. What are your views on gambling, lying, theft, and killing? A gamble is just a risk, and everybody takes those. I really don't get giving your money away for a game of chance, though. You can walk out your front door and get a game of chance for free. Lying to someone means you don't respect their ability to handle information. Whatever else is motivating it, in the end, it's just another way to control someone. Theft and killing only has justification in really extreme circumstances. You also have to be ready to face a jury of your peers on your decision, and take responsibility for whatever consequences come of that decision, no matter what your intentions were.
48. How far will you go to defend your beliefs? Death.
49. How much do you value money? I kinda need it to buy video games and fish sticks.
50. In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do? Mutilating and destroying bodies. I know most people would say killing people, but going that step further is just a way of exerting that last bit of control over victims and their families. It ruins forever how you think of that person, it follows behind you like a ghost. The most depraved killers have no concept of their victims as fellow human beings.
51. Do you believe in self-sacrifice for the greater good? Yes, absolutely.
52. Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love? Yeah, but it's pretty rare.
53. Are you superstitious? No.
54. How much do you respect the beliefs and opinions of others? It depends on who they are, and if what they believe is inherently harmful to themselves or others.
55. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings? People tell me all the time that I don't think before I speak.
56. Do you have any biases or prejudices? Yeah, everyone does, but I try to correct it when I recognize it.
Dealing With Others
57. Who is the most important person in your life, and why? I can't really pick one person. I always fail the "Which one will you save?" maneuver in video games.
58. Who is the person you respect the most? Despise the most? Why? My dad. He taught me to work hard, but also to leave time for clownin' around and just being myself. He always took time out for me no matter how busy he was at the store, or being Starman. 'Hate' and 'despise' are really strong words.
59. Do you have a significant other? Who? No.
60. Do you have a lot of friends? Who is your best friend? Yeah. Lian, I guess.
61. How do you relate to members of the same race? Class? Sex? I think I do pretty well, but I can't stand the ego-heads. Y'know, the guys who think they're god's gift to everybody?
62. How do you relate to members of a different race? Class? Sex? Aliens are cool as shit, dude. I don't like wasteful rich people. I get along fine with girls until romance becomes involved. I forget things a lot, and they get pretty pissed off about that...
63. Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened. Nope.
64. What do you look for in a potential lover? Um, love? It's kinda the key word there.
65. How close are you to your family? Any of us would die for another without hesitation.
66. Do you want a marriage, family, and/or children? I think being married would be cool, but I don't know about kids.
67. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict? Yet more of this 'or' stuff. I guess if discussion didn't work, I'd argue.
68. Are you a listener or a talker? Talker.
69. How long does it usually take for you to trust others? Not long, unless they give me a reason not to trust them.
70. Do you hold grudges? I try not to.
71. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations? Hell freakin' no.
72. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? No, I prefer a small number of familiar people.
73. How well do you express yourself? Too much.
74. How quickly do you judge others? I try to judge actions instead of people.
75. Do you care what others think of you? Yes. Everyone should, to a degree.
76. Do you have any enemies? How or why are they your enemy? Yeah. Spanish 2. Enemies of dad or the heroes. Bananas. That heat-sealed plastic electronics come in. Because the shit's crazy, yo.
Personal Taste and Opinions
77. What is your favorite pastime? Color? Food? Possession? DS-Lite. Red. Taquitos from 711. The cosmic belt.
78. What are your preferences in arts and/or entertainment? Video games! oh, and, um, concerts, amusement parks and historical re-enactments.
79. Do you smoke, drink, go whoring, or use drugs? Why or why not? Let's say my dad's pretty liberal when it comes to society's standards of what's 'deviant.'
80. How do you spend a typical Saturday night? Hanging out with friends.
81. What is your most cherished fantasy? One day making it into a membership photo in the JSA brownstone.
82. How long is your attention span? Huh? Sorry, can you repeat the question?
83. Do you laugh a lot? What do you find funny? Ahahhahah.
84. Is there anything that shocks or offends you? If so, what? Plenty. Murder, greed, genocide, rape. Sarah Jessica Parker's nosejob.
85. How do you deal with stress? Go flying or climbing.
86. How much athletic ability do you have? Artistic? I'm more fit than most guys my age. I also sketch pretty well.
87. Do you like animals? Do you like children? Yeah. Kids are okay as long as you can give them back.
88. Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan? Spontaneous!
89. What are your pet peeves? People who eat the last of the cereal and put the box back in the cabinet. Dad stealing my socks. Jerkoffs who live to pwn WoW newbs.
90. What is your greatest strength as a person? Weakness? I see life as a test of courage. I have more courage than brains.
91. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? No matter how much I work out, I'm still scrawny nerd boy. Some better muscle tone would be great.
92. Are you generally introverted or extroverted? Extroverted.
93. Do you like yourself? Of course.
94. Do you have a daily routine? How do you feel if your day is interrupted? No. Life's taking me on an adventure.
95. What goal do you most want to accomplish in the next six months? Your lifetime? GRAD-U-ATE! Starman.
96. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? Uh, did I mention the whole 'Starman' thing?
97. If you could choose, how would you want to die? Morphine. I don't want to know and I want to be out flyin' out of my head.
98. What is the one thing you would like to be remembered for after your death? Always doing the right thing when it needs to be done.
99. What three words would you use to best describe your personality? Hyper. Jovial. Loyal.
100. What three words would others probably use to describe you? Hyper. Immature. Impulsive.
101. Why are you risking your life to adventure? Because someone has to, and if you can, you should for those that can't.
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