Dandi Watson - bass keep pumpin' jumpin' yeah [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Dandi Watson

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bass keep pumpin' jumpin' yeah [Dec. 16th, 2008|08:37 am]
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Mmmm. No sleep again. :)

I just smoked quite a bit of weed and made Beefaroni for breakfast. (I was originally going to make ramen. I had everything ready and all laid out and decided that 45 seconds beats 3 minutes so I opted for the quicker of the two lol.) I'm so gross. xD I also watched a REALLY old episode of Sailor Moon online and it was grand.

Beth's at work. Blahhhhh it's so slushy and cold outside I wish she could just stay in bed and we could roll around under the covers all day or something. It would be lovely.

I have the Brooklyn Bounce stuck in my head. If you know who Brooklyn Bounce is, you're amazing. I need to go out this weekend- hear some techno and effing dance it up. I also need to get Alex's turntables so I can make a new demo. I miss new funky beats. I need to get creative again. Anywho, time for a cigarette and I'm going to attempt sleep (which usually means play pokemon for the next three hours). Ja! ^.^