![](http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d56/fragilemood/virtualpets/c554_2.jpg) This is by far one of the best Connection tamas ever! You get to raise 3 characters on one screen as a family! Hence the chimney because it's like they live in a little house under one roof ^_^ They have 4 different games. Two of which you can play on a regular basis. In order to unlock the other two games you must have a father and mother figure present. Your tamagotchis grow up together, and eventually form their own families. You get different families depending on how your characters bond with eachother. It's a little confusing at first, but there are plenty of forums online where you can find information on how to get certain families. What's new? Instead of a shop where you buy items, there is a shopping tv station on your Tamagotchi. There are three channels: 1) shopping, 2) dating show and 3) travel channel. When you go to the dating show at too young of an age, the Match Maker will yell at you and shut the tv off lol If you choose the travel channel, your tamagotchis go on a family vacation which is the same as pausing your regular Tamagotchi. You won't need to care for them when this function is activated because they are "away on holiday" so to speak :P Also instead of a discipline feature, there is a "family bonding" feature. When your tamagotchis beep for seemingly no reason it means they want to interact with each other. Depending on how you care for the family they will aspire to different talents such as intelligence or creativity doing art. It's really awesome. There's so much to explain about this version of the connection that it's not even funny. The downfall is that this newest version can only connect to other v5s. But on the plus side you can still connect to the brand new v5 website at TamaTalk.com just like with the v3 and v4. You can also input special passwords in your v5 to get free items. The best thing is that you can keep these items forever. Even food! Once again the antenna is a little annoying in my opinion, but all the new stuff more than makes up for it! :D Here is a picture of the one I currently own: ![](http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d56/fragilemood/virtualpets/IMG_0321_resized.jpg) ![](http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d56/fragilemood/virtualpets/IMG_20111209_095200_edited.png) priceGoing for really cheap at $20-30 brand new. Auctions can be really cheap too. Just don't pay more than $17 if you do an auction cause then you may as well have just done Buy It Now. Connection v5 Character/Growth Chart![](http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d56/fragilemood/virtualpets/V5growthchart2.png) ![](http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d56/fragilemood/virtualpets/V5growthchartpart2WM.png) ![](http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d56/fragilemood/virtualpets/V5growthchartpart2aWM.png) (NOTE: If you own any of these images and would like them credited or removed, please contact me ASAP and I will comply with your request. Thanks!) Tags: famitama (familitchi), tamagotchi connection, tamagotchis, v5 connection Current Mood: chipper