Despite how many Tamagotchis I currently own, my collection is not complete. There are a number of Tamagotchi I would like to own but can't collect either because they are way too expensive or too rare to find. There are also pets I simply do not wish to collect. Here's a list with some pictures so you can get an idea. Most of them are pretty rare/expensive. I won't be giving reviews because I wouldn't know anything about most of them since I've either never seen or don't wish to own them. I'm missing a lot from this list because a number of newer Tamagotchis have been released, so please send me a message if you have any info you would like to share :D :
American Oceangotchi- While I would definitely love to own this Tama, it doesn't seem feasible. The designs are cute and its in English language, but it is very rare and can cost upwards of $300 these days. Also, it is so hard to care for that it is simply not worth buying. I already have the Japanese version, so it seems superfluous to get the English edition in light of these facts.
Mothra- It's obviously based on the Japanese Mothra character. I don't wish to collect it because the characters aren't very cute in my opinon and the Mothra movies never interested me anyway.
TamaOch- The characters are based on some Japanese actress. I'm not interested in getting this one.
Tamagotchi School- Not sure what the point of this one is. Just to send your character to school? Seems a little boring if you ask me *shrug* I don't plan on collecting it :P
Kakeibo- I think this one goes with the Entama (Cho Jinsei). Probably like how the Home deka goes with the Keitai. It looks interesting, but I won't be getting it anyway.
Home Deka 2(?)- I'm not entirely certain which Tamagotchi this one is supposed to interact with. I'm assuming it goes with the Entama or the Uratama... Either way, I'm not interested because I already have a Dekatama and knowing what I know about them they don't excite me all that much.
Tamagotchi Color Hexagon- This is a variation on the color with only a couple different characters. Don't know if there are different features, though.
Tamagotchi ID- I'm assuming this is the second edition of the Tamagotchi Color. It looks prettier than the original. I decided not to collect this one because I don't think it has very many particularly cute characters.
Tamagotchi ID Lovely Melody- I guess this is another edition of the ID color Tamagotchi, with a super cute design. Originally it went for $80ish, but now its going for like $150ish. Not interested in collecting it because even though the shell design is cute, the characters aren't worth it in my opinion.
Tamagotchi Station ID- I think this is similar to the Home Deka for the Keitai, except it is a color edition for the color Tamagotchi ID. It looks really cute, and from what I hear you can use it to customize items to transfer to your Tamagotchi ID. If this is true, then I would LOVE to see it in action :D
Tamagotchi ID L Princess Spacey- Not interested in getting this one because it didn't have enough cute new characters and as far as I can tell its too similar to the ID l which I already have 2 of.
Tamagotchi P's- I now have the Tamagotchi P's, but I don't have any pierces to go along with it. So here's a list of the pierces that are available. Maybe I'll get a few someday, but its not a priority since the pet functions perfectly fine without them.
Tags: pets i don't have, tamagotchi connection, tamagotchis, tmgc plus color, vintage tamagotchis
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