![](http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d56/fragilemood/virtualpets/nano3play.gif) Nano virtual pets were one of the most popular virtual pets when Tamagotchis were first released. They were mostly popular in the U.S. I think. I had an orange kitty at one point, but gave it away for some reason. I only just bought another one to add to my collection. I can say that the Nanos were popular for a reason. They had two games and the characters were cute and could last for a very long time. I once got my nano kitty up to 28 years (28 days in human time) I think. Recently the company re-released them, but didn't really change anything. It looks like they slapped together all their spare parts and just sold all the old ones they had left over in my opinion. I still think Nanos are great, especially the original ones. At first they came in three characters: kittens, puppies and human babies. After awhile they started coming out with a bunch more characters like rabbits, horses, fighters, etc. Nanos also had a connection version (which I do not own). Here are some pictures of the ones I currently own. Two kitties and a puppy. The most recently obtained one is the orange Nano Kitty (which came out before the other two in my collection). It's European and more sparkly than the original one I had! I will post a picture of it later :) : ![](http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d56/fragilemood/virtualpets/IMG_0337_resized.jpg) ![](http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d56/fragilemood/virtualpets/two_nannos_kitty_and_puppy.jpg) priceGot my Nano Kitty for $25 I think. They now run anywhere from $30-150. There are a lot on eBay, even the originals, so I'm not sure why they aren't less. Get the cheapest one possible. I would recommend getting the older ones because they aren't as shoddily slapped together. Nano Growth ChartsStill trying to find the growth chart for this one. Sorry! Tags: nano, virtual pets Current Mood: busy