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Delilah Jane Spinnet ([info]takeyoudown) wrote,
@ 2013-12-02 01:25:00

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So. I got a hair cut?

What do you think Nora, does it suit me?

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2013-12-02 11:57 pm UTC (link)
I am sure Charlie and Daniel are going to have a field day with it. I haven't shown either of them yet.

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2013-12-03 12:02 am UTC (link)
I'm sure they're going to love it, especially if you do.

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2013-12-03 12:06 am UTC (link)
Charlie is going to laugh and Daniel may cry, but oh well.

It's growing on me.

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2013-12-03 12:16 am UTC (link)
I imagine it takes some getting used to, but at least you can rest easier knowing it'll grow back.

You can also rest easier knowing there are hats in the world.

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