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Remy LeBeau

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Homecoming [19 Jul 2010|05:30pm]
Remy LeBeau considers few places hospitable enough to warrant going once, let alone twice, but for as many times as he leaves Xavier's, he always finds himself drawn back. A certain Southern Belle might have something to do with it, too, but he can name other things. Jubilee's brownies, or teaching the little ones to play poker (something that the Professor didn't quite endorse). Logan's taste in cigars, or challenging Ororo to see who could pick a lock faster. Hell, even the Danger Room has a certain appeal to it that draws him in.

Oh, and of course, Scott threatening to drop a truck on him for charming the ladies.

All in all, Gambit is a decent mood when he pulls up the drive to the school, returning after an extended absence to deal with some family issues back home. He slides in the door quietly, giving a smile to the kids he sees, who welcome him back.

"Hi, Mr. LeBeau!"  a couple of the teenage girls smile and wave.

" 'Ello dere,  cheres. You been good while I was away, Cindy? You practicin' dat card trick, Jenna? I expect t'hear some stories when I get settled in. Any o' de adults around righ' now?" he asks.

"I think Mr. Summers in his office." Jenna offers.

"Merci, chere. I 'preciate it." Remy says, strolling off toward Scott's office.  He'll knock on the door.

"Okay, One-Eye. De party can start now. I have arrived."  he calls out, loudly.
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Gambit App [17 Jul 2010|10:42pm]
Player (nickname/handle)/LJ: De
Email: On file
AIM (if you have one): On file
Character Name: Remy LeBeau/Gambit
Character LJ (if applicable): take_a_card
PB if using one:  Scans/Taylor Kitsch (possibly)
Character location/Home: X-Mansion

What are your plans for the character? : Gambit is looking for redemption for sins past and trying to make a better man out of himself.

How are you planning on working them into the game? Gambit is a member of the X-Men and ready to jump into anything.
Is there anything from canon that you plan on changing with that character? No.

What sort of plots to do you want to do with this character?: Anything mutant related, going against Magneto and Mr. Sinister especially. If the cut-off allows it, I'd even be up for revealing Gambit's role in the Morlock Massacre when he worked for Sinister.
Please be as detailed as you wish:

Sample Post:

I'd like to request a test scene.
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