System Account
September 2010
Wed, Jan. 16th, 2008 06:19 am
New Dual Core Server Online

Hi everyone,

Sorry for no update last night, I just came home and crashed (it was about 12am). I rebuilt nother server so we now have 2 dual core web servers online. I also got the 2nd cluster up, so it SHOULD be working but seeing as I didn't get to build Apache with PHP I had to do it all command line (which I am not so great at). I haven't really done any testing, but the cluster status page returns that cluster 2 is up and running A-ok.

The NEW quad-core server will be coming in today so I will TRY to get that up and running tonight, but no promises. I am so dead tired.

Umm, that's about all the news for now :) I need sleeeeeep....

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Mon, Jan. 14th, 2008 06:39 pm
New Server & Bandwidth


One of the web servers crapped out this afternoon and with my new job I cannot just leave and go get it. The crash was so bad I couldn't even remotely login to kill & restart Apache. We're still maxing out bandwidth out, but it's not surprising to me since this is all hosting off a 1Mbit up connection. We're definitely going to need a lot more funding if we're to move to dedicated servers on faster lines.

Don't worry about being pissed off if it's slow or even not working. I am definitely pissed too. I really want a good working site for you all but with the funds we have now it's just not going to happen any time soon.

Ok, so that's the bad news, here's some good news.

I'll be adding another dual-core server to the lineup tomorrow night some time. That does mean we'll be having some down time since cluster 2 will be going offline.

Hopefully that'll mean less downtime on the machines, but there will still be the bandwidth issues...

We're trying here!!!

Update: We also did some mail service maintenance. We're using a different method of sending out emails. Hopefully this new way will let Hotmail, MSN and possibly Yahoo know that we're not some spam email server causing them to block us. It would definitely help if anyone with those accounts let them (Hotmail, Yahoo, etc...) that we're not spam and to not block us.

We're also working on allowing only registered & logged in users post support issues.

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Sun, Jan. 13th, 2008 08:06 pm
Maxed bandwidth

As noted on our status page we're completely maxing out our bandwidth line so if things seem slow that is why.

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Sun, Jan. 13th, 2008 11:18 am
Secondary Database Server Online

We've installed a secondary database server. It'll load balance between the two now so that should improve some thing.


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Sun, Jan. 13th, 2008 07:59 am
Memcached, Kernel & More...

Yesterday we got hit pretty hard, we had over 750 new accounts registered. I've got memcached running and we're definitely looking into running MogileFS. Also more memcached servers would be nice too.

I upgraded the kernel on the server to make sure it was taking advantage of the dual core processor in the system, that really seems to have helped the situation.

Updated some S1 code since it was reading and not, thanks to [info]raskolnikov for reporting that.

Also I've done a bunch of FAQs and more are coming.

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Sat, Jan. 12th, 2008 09:33 pm
Downtime & Memcached

We have some downtime. We've had to remove a server from rotation because it cannot handle the load whatsoever making the need for that new server VERY critical.

I also got memcached up and running on another server so we'll see how well that helps out. Hopefully it does.

All servers and services are back up and running as normal.

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Sat, Jan. 12th, 2008 11:01 am
Early Adopters & User Info Style Poll

On Monday January 14, 2008 early adopter accounts will come to an end. All new accounts will be changed to Free Users.

Also on Monday we'll be closing up the user info style poll.

We also added a multi-icon uploader to our downloads page under the Mac section.

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Fri, Jan. 11th, 2008 03:32 pm
Multiple Icon Uploader Has Arrived

Hey kids,

It's here, the multiple icon uploader.

Go here and download!

Report issues to the support area. I didn't make it, someone else did.

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Fri, Jan. 11th, 2008 03:09 pm
Code Updates

I've updated the code to so that when people request community and users URLs they're redirected to the appropriate place.

I've updated the code on the manage settings page so that it doesn't contain, 'Manage Message Settings' anymore. ESN is crap for the moment.

The code on the style browser has been updated so that it doesn't return the "Error: Unknown User" message. This should work better now.

I've installed AWStats so we now have 2 stats sources, that and Google Analytics.

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Thu, Jan. 10th, 2008 03:17 pm
S2 Styles Removed

As if there weren't enough help requests for the same issue about how some S2 styles don't work, I've removed them from the system. Those styles were actually part of SixApart/LiveJournal and weren't really made for us. Being that they weren't, they didn't include stylesheets or images so they looked "broken". They weren't.

Anyways, they're not in the system anymore!


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Thu, Jan. 10th, 2008 10:47 am
Back Online

We're back online. We did have some nasty windy weather last night which knocked out power multiple times. fortunately we were able to get a backup server online.

There was an issue with one of the configuration files which caused massive looping when you tried to view your journal (everything else appeared to work). The issue has been corrected and now all servers and services are back online and running normally.

We've also added a feature that lets you have all new posts friends only or private or viewable by anyone. You can visit this page and choose from the new drop down menu. Please let me know if it does indeed work or not!

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Wed, Jan. 9th, 2008 08:41 pm
Power Outage

We're currently experiencing some power outages and some nasty windy weather. We do have the backup server up and running, but don't be surprised if we go down again. Hopefully the weather will calm down by the morning. We'll be bringing the other server online in the AM if it doesn't come back online later tonight.

Sorry for the trouble and inconvience.

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Wed, Jan. 9th, 2008 12:06 pm
Scribbld Might Be Running Slower Then Normal

For the next few hours it's possible that Scribbld might be running slower then normal. We're currently running test backups on the system. A very small portion of the current donations will be going to cover these costs. (When I say small I mean like $5-10). We're using an offsite backup system which will run nightly and will backup the database and web files.

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Wed, Jan. 9th, 2008 08:40 am
Hotmail & MSN Blocking Our Emails

It appears as if Hotmail & MSN are blocking emails from us. So if your email account is with them I suggest you contacting them to let them know we're not spam and we should be removed from their block lists. Either that or use a GMail account, I believe Yahoo also works fine too.

Good old Microsoft :) Sorry about this...

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Wed, Jan. 9th, 2008 07:30 am
Scribbld Status Web Page

I've setup So if the site is down or you cannot reach it you can check in on this. It does support RSS which is great. It's also located offsite so it'll be available even if Scribbld isn't.


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Tue, Jan. 8th, 2008 06:01 pm
Update Complete

The update to our new block of IPs has now been completed! I am sorry for the short notice and the amount of time it took!

Thanks everyone!

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Mon, Jan. 7th, 2008 04:25 pm
IP Maintenance

Starting at around 5PM tonight (1/7/2007) we'll be changing over to our new IP scheme. From then until 72 hours later it's possible you might not be able to reach the servers, although it should be rather quick.

I do apologize for such short notice, but I definitely need to get this implemented if we're to add in additional servers.


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Mon, Jan. 7th, 2008 03:06 pm
Updated Caps & vhosts

I've removed domain mapping from early adopter accounts. This is a paid only and permanent account feature. I don't actually think it works yet but when it does it'll require a paid or permanent account.

Accounts can now be accessed by a virtual domain, ie. Pretty nifty! This is availble to paid and permenent accounts right now!

Paid and permanent accounts also have access to their full rss feeds.

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Mon, Jan. 7th, 2008 02:29 pm
Scheduled Down Time

I've added the [info]system account to the initial list of friends on create.bml. I highly suggest adding the account as it can provide some useful information.

In order to prepare for the new web server I've requested some new IP addresses from my ISP. Unfortunately it looks like I'll have to get a entirely new block which means it won't be as easy as adding a new server and a new IP. All the server IPs will be changing. I don't quite yet have a date/time when this wil happen. Once the new IPs are in place it could take up to 72+hours for it to propagate throughout the Internet. Sometimes it's really fast, and sometimes it's really slow. Just be aware that it is happening!

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