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Tweet [04 Mar 2010|01:00pm]
  • 16:51 UGH. I really wish I could stuff a sock in her mouth. Her voice is annoying. #
  • 16:59 ....I just almost chocked myself with my mic. Wtf self? #
  • 19:19 @xmagicworks Idk! XD I had my headphones on, & I turned my head to the side and my mic just went right in my mouth. xD wtf #
  • 19:21 um, some random dude who I've never spoken to before, said I have the cutest laugh ever. O////o ugh, stop blushing self. #
  • 20:21 "Families don't crumble in a day." #
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[ viewing | March 4th, 2010 ]
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