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August 10th, 2009

[info]sweetpete08:17 am
Piper's attempt to get away was foiled by Kyle pulling her into a dance step. She did the prefect instructed and looked over at Riley and Justin. "Yes, they are together. Great for them." She replied and tried to tug herself free from his grip.

[b]"They are together, at the ball, did we say Justin had to ask Riley? Or that they had to be at the ball together?"[/b]

Piper's smug expression evaporated faster than one could say "quidditch." [i]Oh no. There's no way. Didn't I say he had to ask her?[/i] Her brain paniced as it frantically tried to recall the exact words of the bet. He was right. She had said that they had to go to the ball together. She wasn't going to give up without a fight though. "I said they had to go to the ball together...as in he had to take her...as in he had to ask her, [i]which[/i] he didn't. Thus, I still win." Piper reasoned. Her voice wasn't as confident this time though.

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