Piper Peterson - Ball Bet

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August 10th, 2009

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02:34 am - Ball Bet
OH SNAPZ. JUFT HAPPENED AT THE BALL...and Piper so totally thinks she won the bet.

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Date:August 10th, 2009 07:42 am (UTC)

Kyle found himself staring at one very foxy cheetah and walked up behind her, he nodded at Bailey politely but kept his eyes on Piper. He took her arm gently as he interrupted the dance before talking over his shoulder at Bailey. "Sorry mate, this cheetah and I have a safari to plan."

Kyle smirked and took a step back from Piper, eyeing up her costume with an approving stare. "Nice choice. Now, when did you want to have that date?"
[User Picture]
Date:August 10th, 2009 07:55 am (UTC)
Piper was startled a bit when Kyle appeared in her vision. She narrowed her eyes at the boy as he gripped her arm but didn't struggle to get away from him. This was the last lusty conversation she would ever have to deal with anyways. She was quite joyous to get it over with. The blonde followed him a few paces away from Bailey and waited for him to stop eying her like a lion preying on an antelope. Besides, she was the jungle cat in charge tonight. [i]Thank Merlin I won this bet![/i] After a moment, sh

[b]"Nice choice. Now, when did you want to have that date?"[/b]

Piper laughed heartily. "I'm sorry. I don't quite know what date you're referring to considering you lost." She smirked confidently. "Justin never asked Riley to the ball. In fact, she came with Albus Potter so I'll go back to dancing with Bailey now while you keep those tactless opinions to yourself from now on! Nice doing business with you." She turned around to head back over to her date.
[User Picture]
Date:August 10th, 2009 08:02 am (UTC)
Kyle shook his head at her attempt to escape the bet and pulled the feline in towards him, his left hand going to her lower back and right hand finding hers and holding it up. He planned to be very much a gentleman as he danced and crushed that smug look on her face.

"Darling, look over at them." Kyle said as her turned with the dance and the music to direct her eyes towards the happy couple. "They are together, at the ball, did we say Justin had to ask Riley? Or that they had to be at the ball together?" Kyle couldn't hold back his smile, a mixture of arrogance and excitement. He really was looking forward to this date.
[User Picture]
Date:August 10th, 2009 08:17 am (UTC)
Piper's attempt to get away was foiled by Kyle pulling her into a dance step. She did the prefect instructed and looked over at Riley and Justin. "Yes, they are together. Great for them." She replied and tried to tug herself free from his grip.

[b]"They are together, at the ball, did we say Justin had to ask Riley? Or that they had to be at the ball together?"[/b]

Piper's smug expression evaporated faster than one could say "quidditch." [i]Oh no. There's no way. Didn't I say he had to ask her?[/i] Her brain paniced as it frantically tried to recall the exact words of the bet. He was right. She had said that they had to go to the ball together. She wasn't going to give up without a fight though. "I said they had to go to the ball together...as in he had to take her...as in he had to ask her, [i]which[/i] he didn't. Thus, I still win." Piper reasoned. Her voice wasn't as confident this time though.
[User Picture]
Date:August 10th, 2009 08:21 am (UTC)
Kyle shook his head and spun the girl around once more and made sure she could see them together completely. "Piper, stop changing your words, they are happy together." Kyle smiled, he was just happy to see Justin actually with a girl, and one he liked, he was sure that things would be good for those two.

"So, can we let them have their happiness without arguing about the if's and but's?" Kyle tried to sound like he wasn't just trying to win, he wanted to make her feel a little guilty for stepping on their happiness.. although now that he thought about it, this tactic would never work on him. "So, let me have my happiness and take you on a date, which will in turn make you happy and so we will all be happy."

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