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Steve Barton

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Gear [23 May 2010|02:54pm]
Possessing no known super-human powers (bar a brief stretch of time when he assumed the Goliath identity), Steve Barton should never the less be considered one of the most skilled fighters in the world, though there are many others who outclass him.  He has been trained in various fighting techniques (including Karate, Judo, and Boxing) by his father, mother, Captain America, and Kate Bishop.  From the same, he has received extensive weapons training, to the point where virtually anything in his hands can be used as a weapon.

Bow and Arrow
Rather than the typical longbow, Steve makes use of a short range, collapsible compound bow that provides greater power over shorter distances. 

Steve carries a wide variety of arrows, some of which come pre-loaded, but the rest of which are standard shafts with variable arrow-heads.

Typically, about 5 to 10 of these are standard bladed arrow heads, while the rest include a mixture of grappling line arrows, explosive arrows, stun arrows, net arrows, gas-bomb arrows, adhesive glue arrows, cryonic arrows, flare arrows, fire arrows, tracking bug arrows, and others.  When given time, Steve typically customizes his arsenal for whatever load best fits the mission.

Battle Staves
Steve carries two hollow steel-alloy poles (battles staves) each extendable to four feet. He uses these staves as fighting clubs, and the can screwed them together to be used as a bo-staff or javelin, or extend to an eight-foot vaulting pole.

Steve carries, though rarely uses, a short sword he has sometimes referred to as a Power-Sword.  One version was shown the ability to discharge energy bolts, but it is unknown if the version he currently carries still does.

A recent addition to his arsenal, picked up in Wakanda, Steve now carries a pair of boomerangs lightly laced with enough Vibranium to give them rebounding properties similar to shield's made of the same material.

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