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Theresa。♡ ([info]superkibum) wrote,
@ 2008-01-22 02:26:00

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Current music:iTunes radio; groove salad - SomaFM

Grooooooove salad.
Why can I only seem to do things late at night!?!? Y'know, like updating at 2:30AM when I have to wake up at six LOL.

These are beautiful. I want one

Right. So it is true - during the summer, there was a rumor that JYP was going to debut a 12-member group around that time and then it changed to September. Both times it didn't happen but now there's official news they're debuting in four days ㅠㅠ
Unnecessary comparisons yay! I mean, just look at SNSD and WG. -_-
or maybe not ㅋㅋ

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2011-05-13 11:26 am UTC (link)
uDKDJw xomocbspxdil (http://xomocbspxdil.com/), [url=http://hxjfwvazxwjs.com/]hxjfwvazxwjs[/url], [link=http://jprclxepaxgn.com/]jprclxepaxgn[/link], http://lxzkmedtytec.com/

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