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Theresa。♡ ([info]superkibum) wrote,
@ 2008-02-13 21:50:00

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Current mood: annoyed
Current music:Utada Hikaru - HEART STATION

Next school year -

These are my recommendations and classes for next year, my senior year.

I was wondering, "Why in the funking world did my algebra teacher request me for trig honors? I'm horrible in math!!!" Now I know - there's NO REGULAR TRIG CLASS. WHY IS THIS?
Actually, I don't even have to take a math class next year! O_O
But I'm taking one so I can get a fourth year of math sooooo I can get a millennium scholarship. This isn't fair though LOL. Look how easy class of 07-08 have it, then look how different it is for class of 09 and higher. Lame.

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