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Ahh!!! [07 Feb 2008|10:35pm]
[ music | Kangin singing ]

So, in history, we're reading this book called The Jungle.
I so can't stay awake while reading this!! O_O I swear, I must've dozed off about 20 times in the last hour LOL. I just read chapter five, and I went to myself, "What just happened?" Sad.
I like reading but... I usually don't like reading for school~

Speaking of which, I freaking missed this night's episode of LOST!! Why does it come on at Thursday now?? It used to come on at Wednesday since... forever.
Well yeah. I'll just go find it online somewhere. (_ __ u) I really don't like missing episodes on TV. ;p

I'm late, but happy Lunar New Year for those who celebrate it~!!! and late happy birthday to Kyuhyun and Yunho oppas~

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