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.........!?!? [27 Jan 2008|01:28pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Groove Salad on iTunes radio ]

OMG. First clubbox isn't working so I can't watch the latest EHB WHERE I HEAR KIBUM IS A STAR IN IT sdlfdsf I want to watch it high quality not youtube quality. T-T
Ever since the upgrade, it's not working for anyone anymore, sigh.

RIGHT NOW, I'm reading Can You Keep a Secret? by Sophie Kinsella. I've had it for a while, but I stopped reading in the middle - I don't know why. BUT OMG it's so funny and charming, you guys should read it.

I really want to watch Cloverfield after hearing that JJ Abrams worked on it, and Michael Giacchino did the music. T-T
Melissa and Zach invited me into a chat, and they started to get into a whole conversation about it. Melissa said we MIGHT see it today, but probably not cause she hasn't said a word T-T

Scribbld's new layout is ... interesting.

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[ viewing | January 27th, 2008 ]
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