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Watch me when the Tokyo lights glow in the street [24 Jan 2008|08:56pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | m-flo loves Alex - Love Me After 12AM (Live) ]

YAY, three day weekend!! We had Monday off too - so this week was really short. :)

As usual, I have nothing planned.
LET'S BE TOTALLY HONEST HERE, my friends (except Melissa) neverrrr ask me to go out anywhere with them -
I suppose I'm not that special to them? These aren't just friends, they're my really really close friends! I see and talk to them everyday. They're pretty much the only people I ever hang out with anywaayyy. Sometimes when I ask them they can go, which you're probably wondering why I'm complaining in the first place
T-T I just want them to ask me for once
I always hear about them going out with their other friends so.
This concludes why I don't have anything planned this weekend. @@

OH WAIT. I WANT TO CATCH UP ON GOSSIP GIRL. I'm on episode two lolll. Chace Crawford = <3<3<3

I need to catch up on EHB! T-T They're going on a three week hiatus sooooo that should give me time.

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