Theresa。♡'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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01 ♡ [20 Jan 2008|04:00am]
[ music | SS501 - In Your Smile ]

I had two choices -
talkplaylove or superkibum. After two seconds of contemplating, I chose superkibum aaaand
OMG, I am the first person to list "Super Junior" (and among other things) as an interesting. EXCITING!!!

Why am I here though ㅡㅁㅡ This place is like a refuge for GJ (*sigh* GJ..) currently... and I... barely used GJ for a while so I dunno anyone here lol.
It's sad how it's slowly dying though. D; I've had a GJ (uRPG lololol) since it opened and ya.

It's 4AM, why. GOOD NIGHT.

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