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Kikuya Iwasaki ([info]supergeisha) wrote,
@ 2011-01-30 12:00:00

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Test Scene
"Casual Friday" at the Big Hero 6 offices meant that Kikuya cold wear her blue kimono and no makeup.  Actually what it meant was that she could wear 'regular' clothing but the idea was horrifying to her.  Why, exactly, did women want to encase their legs in heavy blue fabric that made them look as to be walking frozen sausages?  She did not understand, though she had made one concession to trend, as it were; she wore black flipflops.

With stockings.

As she walked down the hall the shoes made such a delightful soft little sound hitting against her stockinged feet.  Kikuya couldn't help but smile with her eyes.

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Re: Later that evening
2011-02-02 09:02 pm UTC (link)
He pushes into her, slow, gentle, like so much he's done, but with definite desire behind it, just trying to be careful not to hurt her, and trying to savor every moment of this most precious gift, slowly letting more of his weight down atop her as well, his chest pressed to hers, lips joined.

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Re: Later that evening
2011-02-02 09:11 pm UTC (link)
She wants to tell him that she won't break, but she doesn't want to change anything about this moment. It is perfect, as everything else has been, and she moans as she savors this feeling of him inside of her, of them being united. Her legs move to slide around his waist somewhat and she lifts herself to him as she finally breaks the kiss, opening her eyes to look into his.

She smiles at him then kisses him again.

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Re: Later that evening
2011-02-02 09:40 pm UTC (link)
He meets her eyes, the instant, and the kiss that follows, communicating everything about the moment. The next thrust is harder, his muscles tensing all at once as he fills her, meeting her kiss passionately, claiming her, claiming his geisha, as his own.

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