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Kikuya Iwasaki ([info]supergeisha) wrote,
@ 2011-01-30 12:00:00

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Test Scene
"Casual Friday" at the Big Hero 6 offices meant that Kikuya cold wear her blue kimono and no makeup.  Actually what it meant was that she could wear 'regular' clothing but the idea was horrifying to her.  Why, exactly, did women want to encase their legs in heavy blue fabric that made them look as to be walking frozen sausages?  She did not understand, though she had made one concession to trend, as it were; she wore black flipflops.

With stockings.

As she walked down the hall the shoes made such a delightful soft little sound hitting against her stockinged feet.  Kikuya couldn't help but smile with her eyes.

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2011-02-01 03:42 am UTC (link)
"But now Grogg knows those are just children's stories, right?" Amiko smiles, and then tries to move the subject on. "We're going to need to have some time in the workout rooms as a group very soon. See how some things come together."

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